Lizzie Past

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This story is about Lizzie the snow warrior when she was a baby she was found by the snowy mist mauntain there was a paper only her name writen she found it out when she was 25 years old her dragon twinsister funneh and kim told her that she was found not born at the Dragon Valley she cant feel the pain that she was adopted soo she goes to every villages and town about the snow ice dimension and she has a mark on her hand and if she has any sibling she want to know her family she only found her mother was the snow warrior and she went missing at the nether she found at the book about snowy ice dimension her mother locket then she knew that this book is her dairy she want to find out more she want to know more about this place the snowy ice dimension but when she found the cave with a portal of ice and snow activ she was curius to find out she jumped to the portal and found her self the snowy ice dimension she found the village and goes tp the libary but no anwers then she found Twilight and her friend here at the village distroyed she goes to them Twi friend name is snow she said her mom was the snow warrior then she saw Lizzie mark on her hand she finally found her sister at last...

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