"Yeah, I don't have any shifts again 'till next week because of some Sigh-coo-loggy expo. Why d'you ask?" Mya amazes me yet again with her lack of brain function.

"Well, you know how we were talking about the Streak the other day? About how you wanna know who he is?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeah, we saw him run past." She confirms.

"Well, I wanna know who he is too, and I need your help to figure it out. Wanna talk over coffee at Jitters?" I ask. She grins.

"Oh, I love coffee. And Jitters. And the Streak." She gushes, looking like she's about to fangirl. Suddenly she gasps, looking down at me in excitement as we head for the coffee shop. "We'll be detectives! I have some magnifying thingies at home. I could let you borrow one and we could have matching outfits and cool shades and trench coats and--"

"Wow, that all sounds... Perfect." I lie, offering her a small smile and a nod.

"We'll need, like, a club name or something." She says in thought. Great, we're a club now.

"How about you think about that while I call a friend to meet us at Jitters?" I ask. Mya nods eagerly and I pull out Cara's phone. I find Iris's contact quickly and tap the little green call icon.

"This is Iris West." She picks up on the second ring.

"Hi, it's Cara."

"Oh hey. What's up?" She asks. I can tell she's grinning, and it feels nice to be able to make someone happy just by calling them out of the blue.

"I'm just on my way to Jitters with a friend and I thought you might like to join us." I tell her.

"Yeah, sure. I'm actually already at Jitters and Barry's meeting me any minute, but we can all talk together, yeah?" She says excitedly. I can't stop a smile from spreading across my face.

"Sounds good. See you in five?"

"Yeah okay. Bye!" Iris sounds like she's going to explode with joy. I hang up then and Mya tells me all her ideas for our 'club name'.


"Cara, over here!" A wave of relief washes over me as Mya and I arrive at Jitters. I grin and wave in Iris and Barry's direction, then start heading to the counter.

"I'll get us drinks, what do you want?" Mya asks.

"You don't have to do that." I shake my head and smile politely. She folds her arms over her chest with a level of sass I didn't expect.

"We are friends now, and I will buy you a drink whether you like it or not. If you don't tell me what you want, I'll get you a chai and you will have to drink it." She informs me. Well then.

"Latte, two sugars." I sigh in defeat. She grins and claps her hands excitedly before going over to the counter. I don't actually mind chai, but if he thinks she's threatening, I'll let her believe it for a while longer. I wheel myself over to Iris and Barry. "Hi, guys." I smile.

"Hey. Who's your friend?" Iris asks. Both of them are staring at Mya.

"I'll introduce her when she comes over." I say, politely holding off on sharing gossip. Honestly, I really want to complain and whine and tell everyone how annoying and stupid Mya is but Cara wouldn't do that. It makes me feel like I'm a horrible person for wanting to whine.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now