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November 9, 2016

0714 Hours

James groaned as he regained conscience. Besides the numbing pain in his brain and the chilling sensation of the room he was in, he felt his hands grasping something hard and cold. Opening his eyes, he saw darkness. Everywhere he looked, it was just black. Feeling with his hands, he noticed his hands were clenched around something metal. He tried unclenching his hands, but he couldn't. It was like his hands had a mind of their own, and their only objective is to not let go of the metal object.

James moved his hands around, but stopped as soon as he acknowledged the itching feeling on his wrist. He moved the wrists some more, and assumed he was tied with rope. James swung his feet, and his tiptoes barely scratched the ground. His feet weren't tied up like his hands were, but they seemed heavier than usual.

All of a sudden, a blinding light lit up the room. James closed his eyes quickly in pain of the sudden overstimulation. The light hummed like it was taking a lot of power to make it emit the energy that was now all over the room.

A few minutes passed before James could even open eyes to a squint. After a few more minutes, James' left eyes was open all the way.

The room he occupied had walls and floors made of concrete. A single pipe, that didn't seem to be used anymore, was the only object that accompanied the ceiling other than various cables popping out where lights used to be. James' lip was swollen and visibly pulsing. His left eye was slightly black, and his right cheek was bigger than usual. None of this James' noticed. His thoughts were more on the line of how to possibly escape. That's what he tried to think of.

But no thoughts entered James' mind as he hung there in agony and torment. The effect of the sleeping pill was wearing off, and a sharp pain took its place. His right side started to sting, and he could notice that his right cheek was higher than his left cheek. The thought of someone beating him up while he was passed out crossed his mind. The second coherent thought in his brain was: "Damn, what a party." After looking at the situation he was in, he quickly turned that thought upside down. Maybe it wasn't a party that got him into this mess.

He tried wiggling his arms and hands again, but nothing happened. He had no control over the power in his hands at the moment. They were going to stay clenched for a while.

James cussed into the silence, and he got a hush in response. James tensed up immediately, and tried opening his other eye. The light was more bearable than before, but that didn't help. The light that was shining the bright beam was right in front of him. If he tried to look around it, there would be darkness.

The whole time, a man of the name of Charlie Angel stood behind the light, watching James be helpless. Charlie chuckled, and came into the light. His front was covered in shadows, but at least James knew there was an actual person in the room.

"Who..." James started to say, but he couldn't finish his sentence. He didn't have the strength.

Charlie leaned in, and looked at James' face closely.

"You're so pathetic." Charlie stated. He backed up, then pressed a button on his belt. Lightning pulsed through James' body, and he screamed in pain. Thousands of volts went through James all at once, and his body nearly shut down.

"Oops, wrong button." Charlie said sarcastically. He pressed a different button on his belt, and a beep came from the door. The metal door creaked open, then slammed shut behind him. Charlie looked behind him to find Jir at the door. He was in a business suit, and looked like he just came out of a very long and boring meeting. He was nearly bald with the exception of a trimmed cul-de-sac he had going on. His expression on his face screamed, "Don't play with me", and his horn-rimmed glasses matched that face.

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