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November 7, 2016

1843 Hours

The detectives looked around the perimeter of the funeral house for anything out of the ordinary. The scenery was quite fitting for a funeral. It was about mid-Fall, and the orange and sunburnt leaves were flowing down from the dying trees. Resting themselves on the ground as it was its own little resting place. It was cloudy, but not cloudy enough so the sun was blocked. Glimmers of the sun's rays casted through the clouds; illuminating the area in a nice, yellowish tint.

The area where the brothers stood looking around was behind the funeral home owned by Maxima Corporation. The AC unit was located back there with the brothers, accompanied by broken glass, an H&H sign, a pathway that wasn't finished, and random miscellaneous junk here and there.

James looked down to find some crumpled paper, and he kicked it around. Deciding, "Why not?" They've been standing there for an hour so far, and he didn't know how longer this client was going to take.

The client himself was a mystery to the detectives. He did give his name, but to Dan only. Dan wouldn't tell James due to "confidentiality reasons", which was bull to James; however, Dan didn't get the description of his person. If he showed up right now, James would bet his liver that Dan would pull out a gun on him. The only reason why they agreed to the client's confidentiality, hang out for an hour behind a funeral home, while the funeral was going on, and to keep it on a down-low they were detectives was because the client had money. And lots of it.

Six digits to be exact.

They haven't had a payout like this in a year. The last job with this much money was government related. A mass murderer was loose, but the FBI was too busy dealing with foreign affairs spread across the West coast. Dan had connections with the FBI, and landed them that case. A month later, the case ended on a coincidence; the culprit was in the same diner as Dan a Sunday morning, and some hobo pointed the murderer out to be some divine angel. Dan looked at the commotion, and realized who the guy was. The money lasted them a few days in Vegas, and a sweet little apartment complex back in Ohio.

James loved the aspect of earning money, but his brother was a little different. Dan loved the job, and it didn't matter what the pay was, he would do it. Despite that, James' brother is really lazy. He loves being a detective with all of his heart, but there are some cases he would deem "unworthy" of him to even think about. And James had a suspicion his brother would shut this case down, considering Dan was already questioning it in the car.

"But why keep the name hidden from us?" Dan asked in the car. Hours of silence, and this is the first thing that comes out of Dan's mouth. James gladly turned down Dan's Spice Girls' CD to answer him.

"One. You know the name."

"Because I forced it out of him over the phone!"

"And two. Maybe he didn't want two detectives shouting out his name. You know that would definitely cause suspicion on some level." James said.

"But why would he not describe himself?" Dan asked. "Not even a t-shirt description!"

"This is a funeral; he's most likely wearing a suit and tie or something. And maybe he didn't want people noticing us looking for a specific someone?" James replied. "He probably didn't want his friends and family to notice two shady characters in trench coats tailing him."

"But why-"

"Dan. Shut up. It's going to be okay!" James exclaimed, a little exasperated of explaining the simple scenarios that could happen. Dan just sighed in frustration and mumbled something along the lines of "you shut up..." Dan turned on the CD again, and Wannabe came on. Dan skipped the song, and sat back to relax.

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