20. Loss

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  That was all Hibiki could see. A never ending void. She could feel herself plummeting, but there was nowhere for her to land.

  There, Hibiki was isolated. And she hated it.

  The only sound that she could hear was a deafening silence ringing in her ears. No one was speaking, and yet voices were the only sounds that were racing through her mind.

  Her regrets. Her guilt. Her fear. Her anger. Her depression.

  Her distrust.

  Those were the sounds that she heard, and she wished that she didn't have to listen.


Hibiki's violet eyes opened to a darkened room; the only light being the moon's pale beams. Beneath her, she could feel her body lie against something comfortable.

  For a while, Hibiki forgot everything that occurred in her life. No gears were turning, she was just confused. Why was she lying down? Why was her body on fire, and yet her left arm felt so numb? Why did she feel betrayed? Why was there a heaviness in her heart?

  Where... exactly was she?

  As if on cue, Hibiki remembered: it was a hospital. She wanted to get up, but her body felt paralyzed. And so, she was stuck there, with her questions piling up on top of one another.

  There were no sounds outside, just a buzzing in her ears; Hibiki didn't enjoy listening to that sound - it bothered her.

  Looking out the window, Hibiki realized that it was nighttime. She felt drowsy, but her body refused to sleep. And so, she was lying there, alone.


Hibiki didn't even bother with taking a nap for the entire night. Instead, she watched the sky paint itself; the canvas began as an inky black, to a mix of oranges, yellows, and reds, before the sky became a light azure blue. It was a beautiful sight to many, but the young girl couldn't enjoy it. She wanted to, but she didn't know why she couldn't.

  Suddenly, the numbing pain in Hibiki's hand began to tingle, before it turned into pain. She winced, but she realized that she was capable of adjusting her hand. The pain eventually became excruciating once she moved her arm, but curiousity was the only thing on her mind.

  How she wished she didn't look.

  Her eyes widened once she saw her arm; it was heavily wrapped in bandages. Just what exactly happened?

  That's when she remembered. Amemori Yua - her former childhood friend, now enemy - was the one that broke the girl into pieces.

  She could remember the entire battle, and Hibiki winced once she realized that her left forearm and hand was severely burnt. There was no possibility of her arm fully healing, there would be heavy scarring instead. Scars told stories, but Hibiki knew that she wouldn't want anyone to know hers.

  The story of how she was betrayed in the end; how she caused her own defeat.

  If only she wasn't so distrustful! Hibiki began to scold herself for never telling Kakashi the truth. He would've known what to do - he could've helped her defeat Yua. If only she told him, and Yua would've been dead by now.

  But instead, Hibiki had no clue where she was. Did anyone come to her aid? Hibiki was having difficulties with remembering. No, someone had helped her survive - that final jutsu of Yua's would've killed her instantly.

  That's when time halted, and Hibiki froze to the bone as she came to the harsh realization. Chi... the only family member she had left... he was the one who saved her.

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