1. The Two Amnesiacs

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The wind spun through the clump of leaves as it hung onto the thin, nimble branches of the oak trees that were scattered around. Slowly, a leaf began to fall, for the force of the breeze was too much for it to hang on. It settled down on soft blades of grass that were thriving on the nutritious soil below.

  Bars of sunlight shone down on the large village, the light reflecting off of the smiling faces. Children were laughing, adults were purchasing their ingredients for tonight's supper, and the shinobi of the land were carefully analyzing the area around them, taking every detail in. The citizens were walking on the smooth, clean stone paths as they enjoyed the beautiful weather outside.

  This village was none other than Konohagakure.

  Meanwhile, the sun's rays shone through a window in Konoha's hospital. A girl slowly opened her violet eyes, squinting as the white light encased the comfortable room. She tried to sit up, but it was no use. Every time she moved, she felt like her entire body was on fire. It was agonizing, but the girl kept quiet. After looking at the sanitary room around her, she began to realize the situation she was in:

  She had no place to go - she couldn't move, and even worse, her memory felt like a blur.

  With this set in her mind, she began to stare intensely at the ceiling, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember what happened - but there was nothing. However, the girl didn't give up. She stayed calm as she tried to think about what could've happened.

  She spent days just thinking in the hospital room. Whenever a nurse entered her room, she tried to talk, but words could barely form. Her mouth felt dry, despite how much water the nurse gave her.

  It felt like the girl was given all of the time in the world just so that she could ponder on her life, but if she couldn't remember anything, then what was the point?

  Luckily for her, she began to recover after a couple of weeks. She could slowly move her body throughout the day, allowing her to take a better look at the unknown world around her. And yet despite all of this, she still couldn't get up to leave - her body was still too sore.

  One day, she began to hear a sound of slow, muffled footsteps thudding down the hallway. To her, it was if the footsteps were being calculated where it should land, as if every step would shape the future ahead of them. It sounded like there were two people outside, she could hear their soft, controlled voices conversing with one another. By the time she was able to hear them, they came to a halt. The door to the girl's room slowly began to open, revealing the faces of two people.

  The first one was a girl with short, chestnut hair. Her dull jade eyes were hidden behind a pair of red-rimmed glasses. She had a serious expression on her face, and the girl knew that they were here due to the situation that she was placed in. However, the thing that stood out the most from the girl was her hospital gown. As she began to slowly piece the puzzle together, the girl noticed that the brunette's tanned hands were still on the door, allowing the elderly man behind her to enter.

  Once she laid eyes on the man, her mind felt as if it was slowly opening up to the hidden secrets that were locked tight in her brain. The first thing the girl noticed about the man was his height - he was quite short. He had a tan, gaunt face, with wrinkles predominantly around his eyes. His short, ash beard was trimmed neatly, framing the jawline of his face. The girl noticed that he was an important and powerful man, not only did his posture say so, but on his hat was the symbol 火, the symbol for fire. Since the gears in her head finally began to move, the girl knew that she was in the Land of Fire, and the man standing in front of her was the Sandaime Hokage.

  The girl knew that there was more to herself than she thought, and as she slowly began to remember a few things, she sat up, her back still feeling as stiff as a piece of cardboard. Her lavender hair hung loosely past her shoulders, the ends still trimmed neatly, despite the few weeks that she stayed in the hospital.

  As her mind began to buzz around, the Sandaime Hokage calmly spoke up, "I see you're recovering quickly."

  "Why am I here?" the girl quickly asked. "I know I'm not from the Land of Fire, so why did you bring me here?"

  "You're not the only one who doesn't come from here," the brunette added in, "I arrived in the hospital about a month ago."

  Before the girl could begin asking all of the questions that were whizzing through her mind, the Hokage quickly started to answer some of them, "You arrived here a few weeks ago. My shinobi informed me of a fire that was spotted on the border, and by the time we arrived there, there was nothing there in tact except for you."

  That's when the images began to settle in her mind. Her village in great ruin, the buildings becoming nothing more than ash, the battered corpses littering the battleground around her, and, most importantly, that sinister smile that was etched inside her head. Those images began to strike a chord inside of her, as she began to mourn the loss of the village. However, despite how calm she was on the outside, the Hokage noticed a hint of her discomfort.

  "I need to ask you a couple of questions," the Hokage said, interrupting the deafening silence that hung in the air. The girl nodded in response, intently staring at his eyes before he began to speak again, "For starters, do you remember your name?"

  As the girl racked through the vague bits of information in her mind, she calmly spoke up, "My name is... Kirishima Hibiki."

  "Kirishima Hibiki, huh..." the brunette mused to herself. "Ah! My name is Amemori Yua, nice to meet you," she said this as she politely put on a small smile on her face.

  The Hokage took in this information before he began to speak again, "Secondly, do you remember anything about your personal life? Anything that occurred before the massacre?"

  "Yes... I'm a kunoichi from my village, my status is a genin. The village I came from is quite small, it doesn't even have a name. However, we were known for our strength, and I believe that we're allies with your village, Hokage-sama."

  "Hmm... and what about the massacre? Can you remember any details from that incident?" the Hokage cautiously asked.

  "No, I can't remember anything," Hibiki replied.

  "Very well then," the Hokage began, exhaling slowly before continuing, "Yua-san, do these questions connect to your story at all?"

  "Well," Yua began, "neither one of us can remember anything about the massacre... and I know very little of my past."

  "I see... it's obvious that whoever attacked your village is the same person who attacked Hibiki-san's village, and I'm afraid that there were many more cases that occurred recently."

  Hibiki's eyes widened as she heard the Hokage say this.

  There were more cases than just me?' Hibiki thought.

  "Hokage-sama," Hibiki calmly jumped in, "is there anything else you can tell us about the other massacres? Were there any other survivors?"

  "I assume it wouldn't hurt to reveal this information to the two of you," the Hokage said. "No... there weren't any other survivors. That's why I believe that the perpetrator kept the two of you alive for a reason. Both of you are amnesiacs, and I have good reason to believe that they were the ones who took your memories away. That's why I'm allowing the two of you to stay in the village: so you can assist us in figuring out who's behind all of this."

  As he finished his sentence, he began to leave the room, with Yua tagging behind him. Before he made his leave, he spoke up once again, "I expect the two of you to not bring up any of this information to anyone else unless they are on the case. As for now, I hope the two of you get better, you have a hard mission in front of you. Farewell, Kirishima Hibiki and Amemori Yua."

  And with that, Yua and the Sandaime Hokage left Hibiki's room. As she lied down once again, she began to analyze the information that was given to her.

Trivia: Hibiki's first name means "sound, echo" while her last name, Kirishima, combines "paulownia" (which is a plant), "fog, mist," "be sharp, cut (off)," and "island."

As for Yua, her first name means "tie, bind" and "love, affection," while her last name, Amemori, means "rain" and "forest."

Also, picture of Hibiki is in the media! She was inspired by Kirigiri Kyouko (my wife, my life), and I think you can find quite a few similarities. However, I hope that I can make Hibiki a unique character.

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