18. Burial of Memories

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Guilt. It's arguably the most difficult feeling to discard. After all, you're the one to blame yourself that things turned out that way. The weight on your body is unbearable once you think that way - you can feel a clawing sensation threatening to break out of your body.

  Poisonous thoughts are difficult to get rid of, so how long will it take before you realize the truth?

  'Was I... the one who caused all of this? Something feels off... did I make them turn out this way?'

  Hibiki stared at the kunai that was lodged in the ground. She felt paralyzed - it was so difficult to believe, there was a constant denial ringing in her mind.

  She didn't want to look at them. She didn't want to believe it.

  She didn't want to feel fear.

  Hibiki paid careful attention to her surroundings; they didn't move just yet, and it seemed like they weren't planning on moving until she looked at them.

  Shakily, Hibiki pinched herself in order to snap her back into reality. Slowly, Hibiki's eyes moved from the ground, looking for the one who betrayed her all along. She didn't want to show any vulnerabilities, but she could feel her mask crumbling piece by piece.

  That's when she saw them.

  Fear controlled her entire body. Her legs were wobbling, with barely any support. Hibiki's entire body went numb at the sight of them. She could feel a lump in her throat, giving her difficulties with breathing. The worst feeling of all were the tears that were beginning to form around her eyes.

  She should've recognized that sinister smile earlier. It was twisted once again into a malicious smirk, it caused Hibiki to feel sick to the stomach. But those eyes, they were full of murderous intent - she could feel the sense of bloodlust they craved.

  How could she have been such a fool?

  "Protect yourself against deception, and never allow others to read your emotions. It's as simple as that."

  "So, do you trust me?"

  "I... trust you more than other people. However, that doesn't mean I'll tell you everything about my life. I know that I have been betrayed in my past - I just don't know by who, yet."

  "Y-Yua... oneesama?" Hibiki choked out. Her voice was hoarse, and she could feel her throat burn with the emotions that were piling up one on top of the other.

  She could barely figure out how she felt - everything inside of her was in immense pain, and yet she had no physical injuries. Hibiki could barely handle this, so how much more would she have to go through?

  Yua's smirk curled into a cruel and unforgiving smile; Hibiki hated that expression. It reminded her so much of her final moments before she lost everything. Those once bright emerald eyes were darkened with the blood of innocents splattered across.

  "Y-you..." Hibiki muttered.

  A sickening smile was still splattered on Yua's face, "My, my, Hibiki-chan, I've never seen you look this way."

  Hibiki scowled at Yua's taunts. "Y-you. How could you do... such cruel things?"

  'How did I... allow you to do such things?'

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