About fifteen minutes later, the little animal could see the feint flicker of light cutting through the fog. "Tell me little fox, do you have a name?" The small orange fox looked up at the black mantle before looking back out at the light.

"Kurama. My name is Kurama!" The fox said with a rather large amount of delight.

"You seem happy about your name." The mantle responded as the two passed the wall of black fog and into the area of light. Ten pillars could be seen sprouting up from the center of the massive room, some lit, others not, but a massive orange beam protruded up into the sky from one of the various pillars.

"It's not that I'm just happy about my name mister!"


"I just remembered my name when you picked me up!" Kurama said as he snuggled his snout into the mantled man's chest. "You also give off this strange warmth… it's really comfortable."

The man smiled softly at the small fox in his arms before stopping in front of the arranged pillars.

"Where are we?" Kuarma asked as he stared at the massive orange beam.

"We are in my mind, and that," the mantled man explained as he pointed towards the orange beam, "is you."

"T-that's… me?"

"Well… part of you. Some of you is here of course." The man said as he scratched the fox behind his ear, earning a content sigh as the fox leaned into the scratch. "How long have you been wandering in the fog?"

"I don't know. It feels like forever, but I'm not so sure."

"Keeping track of time is hard when someone enters the black mist." The man said to himself, but a gentle tug on the mantled man's cloak pulled him from his musings.

"Mister… what's your name?" The mantled man stared down at the little fox from beneath the void of his hood for what seemed like forever. "I-if y-you don't w-want t-to then-!" But the fox fell silent as the man brought back his hood to reveal blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Naruto." The man said with a soft smile gracing his features. "Naruto Uzumaki."

Kurama could only stare at the sight of the man for a good few seconds before his own massive smile graced his features. "Nice to meet you Naruto! I've never met someone by that name before, but lets be good friends!"

Naruto chuckled lightly at the fox's words. "Nice to meet you too Kurama. I've never known someone by the name of Kurama either." The blonde began scratching behind the fox's ears once again, making Kurama lean into Naruto's fingers while another content sigh escaped his mouth.

"You're really good at this you know."

Chuckling, Naruto stopped his scalp massage, which gained an audible pout from the young kitsune, and placed the fox onto the ground.

"The ground is cold…" Kurama said as his paws touched the marble floor.

"Stand between the pillars then. The floors are warmer there." Naruto said as he guided the small fox into the center of the constructs. Once between the pillars, the fox's features brightened somewhat.

"It is warm!"

"Didn't believe me?"

"I course I didn't believe you! I've just met you!"

"That's a fair presumption."

The fox walked up to the massive pillar at the center and placed his paw against the marble. "Can I ask another question?"

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