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I pinched my arm for the third time .




Nope still awake.

And with a bunch of unnecessary scars.

Was I really hearing this correctly I stared at the eyes above me in shock.

"Ali you need to understand why we are doing this ."


The same voices circled around but though so close they seemed so far.

"Its for your own good "

That was it for me.

That it would help me .

I stood up, my tiny frame up against the larger one who stood in between me and my main exit.

My only exit

This was happening to everyone in my city.

After a killer bug that wiped out half of our population, every female over the age of 13 was forced to conceive .

Forced to give up our childhood

And for what

" Ali the last semen sample we have left is from a man I'm sure that you are familiar with"

Far far too familiar with

The man whose semen they were going to inject me with.

The syringe stared at me almost mockingly as I sank deeper within myself.

I shook my head violently as I cradled myself between my arms.

This wasn't happening

It wasn't

It wasn't

"You need to understand" my mother cooed as she began to rub my arm.

I flinched at her touch which caused her to retract it sadly.

I had heard fast footsteps approaching but hadn't brought myself enough time to dodge.

As her hand retreated I felt a sharp prod in my waist as I consequently began to feel tired and watch my mother as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

"Your helping the world Ali" she said as I allowed the unconsciousness to consume me .

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