While doing this all, Ara zipped up the fly of her dark washed skinny jeans and made sure her thin white blouse was wrinkle-less. She hears the soft sound of the shower water hitting the floor in a repeated, plain rythm and decides to go wake up her son.

Caleb is already awake and sitting up in his bed, nearly ready to scream and cry out for his mother when Ara slowly opened the door. Her face instantly lit up when she saw him, munching on his hand while sitting up in his bed.

"Mama!" He squealed, sliding off of his bed and running to his mother who knelt down to hug her son. She caught him when he jumped onto her, sweeping him up into her arms and kissing his pudgy little cheek.

She held him on her hip while getting all his clothes and a spare nappy to change him into.

"What do you want for breakfast, baby?" She loved calling him baby, or baby boy, because after Caleb was her one and only baby boy.

He was set down onto his bed and Ara helped him out of his Thomas the Tank Engine pajamas when he yelled out his answer for practically the entire castle to hear.

"Ice Cream!" And of course, Ara laughed at his predictable choice. She started changing his diaper, talking to him too.

"You can't eat Ice Cream for breakfast baby, it's not good for you." She teased, not noticing Xander had silently slipped into the room, leaning against the door stand with hands in his jean pockets and an amused smirk on his face.

"How about Marnie's delicious blueberry pancakes?" She suggested, mainly because Marnie's delicious blueberry pancakes have now become her guilty pleasure, she needs to remember to get the recipe off her once they go back.

Unfortunately, Ara doesn't realise how long she just might be staying there.

"Yes!" Caleb agrees, letting Ara slip on a pair of jeans on him, then get his arms through a small black polo.

She pats his belly, attempting to make him giggle (which worked) and lifted him up and off the bed.

As soon as he landed on the floor, he took off running towards the tall, handsome figure standing by the door.

"Hi Daddy!" Caleb screams, running as fast as his little legs would take him and jumping onto Xander who laughs and catches him, throwing him up in the air.

Ara gets a little nervous when she sees Xander do that to Caleb, but reminds herself that Xander would never intentionally harm their son. That's right, their son.

"Hey little man, ready for breakfast?" He asks, tickling his sons stomach and making him laugh. Caleb nods in between his giggles, Ara smiling at the two she considered her family – her entire world.

Like the cute little family they are, they walked down the stairs together, Caleb walking in between Ara and Xander and holding both their hands. They swung him around a little, reminding Ara of what she used to do with her parents when she was younger–

Oh her parents. It's been years since she's seen them in person, she felt so bad about it, she's been keeping so many things from them, keeping them from seeing their own Grandson!

But she knew she would have to deal with that later, as for now she was in Xander's home city with him and their son, dealing with a few problems.

Xander's siblings were still making their way down for breakfast, which was luckily serving Marnie's delicious blueberry pancakes.

Ara felt herself drooling at the sight of the pancakes, she nearly rushed everyone to their seat just so she could get the best and most amount of pancakes on her plate – letting Caleb have two, which she had to cut up for him to eat – and deliciously munching into them.

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