stupid wish - chap.2

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Kelsey's note - I know I'm a new writer but thank you so much for reading my stories! It means a bunch to me vote and comment please! Love you and thanks! 

Chapter 2-

          I walked out of the gym and searched for my keys in my gym bag. Practice was difficult and I was drenched in sweat; all I wanted to do was go home, take a shower, relax, and eat some food, preferably pizza. 

         "Hey, can you give me a ride?" Megan asked. 

         "Sure Meg, no problem. Should I drop you off at your house or David's?" I asked in a sly voice while nudging her with my shoulder. I shook my bag and heard a clank-cling-clank prompting me to dig deeper to locate my keys. I looked up at Megan to see that her face was red from blushing, her blonde hair was falling out of her lose ponytail and she was glaring at the sidewalk with desperation. Megan, David, and I have been best friends since we were toddlers but over the years David and her have become more close; I really didn't mind because they made a cute couple.

         "He's not my boyfriend," she whispered as a smile grew over her red face. 

         "Yet," I said. 

         "Look in the front pocket." She said pointing at my gym bag. 

         "Right, thanks," I pulled it out of my bag and started walking towards my car as meg trailed behind me. 

         "Do you really think he's going to ask me out?" she asked still looking at the pavement. 

         "Of course! He's practically in love with you," I stated as I unlocked the doors to my car. 

         "Yeah, well, whatever." She said while hopping in the car and looking up at me. 

          "Why did you break up with Liam?" she asked slyly changing the subject. 

          "When I was with him nothing happened; no sparks, fireworks, blah, blah, blah. It sucks, but it's best for both of us to just move on." I said as I climbed into the front seat, put the keys in the ignition, and started my car.

          I drove Meg to David's house, knowing that she wanted to go there. I pulled the car into his driveway because Meg wanted to check up on him. We both got at the car to be met with David.

          "Oh goddess, please spare me!" David kneeled at my feet and grabbed my hand. 

          "Shut up, David!" I said yanking my hand away and shoving him lightly. I knew why he was doing this; the guys in my class called me Aphrodite's child because Aphrodite was the goddess of love and and beauty. According to all the guys at school, I was their ideal beauty, and broke hearts without even dating them. I thought it was ridiculous but I was called goddess just about everyday. I mean I wasn't ugly but I didn't think that I was drop-dead gorgeous either. I had brown eyes that shimmered gold in the light and wavy honey blonde hair that almost went to my elbows. I was tall and lean because I played volleyball but I didn't deserve that name, besides that it really annoyed me. 

          "Well I'm just stating the truth," he said in a joking manner as he stood up and shrugged. 

          "Hey beautiful," He said, leaning in towards Meg and kissing her softly on the lips. As soon as he straightened up, her face turned red but she couldn't take her eyes off of David. It was evident to both of us that he had finally made his move.

          "What? Can I not kiss my girlfriend?" he said in a cocky voice. Meg looked frozen in place. 

          "Uh..." was all she could get out. I hit her in the middle of her back to get her to talk. 

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