Chapter 30

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--Tris' P.O.V--

Its been 2 weeks since the 'incident' and Tobias has recovered well. I wake up to a constant beeping in my ear knowing my alarm is out to get me. Today we go back too school. We all had 2 weeks off due the school needing a few repairs. I get myself up and find my way towards my shower.

I let the hot water hit my back. I think about what exactly happened 2 weeks ago. Before letting my thoughts get too deep I turn off the shower and wrap up my hair and my body. I wipe off the steamed mirror and just stare at my own reflection. I let my eyes just change colour although they aren't as vibrant gold as they used to be. They are now more like a dull gold. I sigh not really caring about the colour of my eyes and waddle back too my dresser.

I check my phone and see a facetime call from the group chat. I call them back and within 30 seconds I am accepted in.

"Tris what took you so long why did you answer?" Christina bombards me. Can she not see they towel around my body and hair. "Ohhhh" She soon realises. We all laugh and I place my phone up facing the ceiling so I can change. I quickly place on one of Tobias tops that I may off stole with a pair off shorts just while I do my hair.

I take my phone and lean it against my jewellery box.

"Tris is that my top?" A confused looking Tobias asks.

"Maybe..." He sighs as they others chuckle at us. We carry on talking and in that time of talking, I blowdry my hair, straighten it and just change into some black high waisted jeans with a long sleeved tight fitting black top with a leather jacket and simple heeled combats. I get out of my room and skip breakfast before just heading to school.

As I pull up I wait for everyone else. I rest my back against my bike and let myself think. I think back to not long ago with my eyes. What was wrong with them? They have forever been a vibrant gold. I honestly don't want too worry about it so whats the point of caring.

By the time I pull myself out of the thoughts everyone started turning up. I heave myself off my bike to greet them.

"hola mis amigos" I say when we are all in a circle. Of course I like confusing people.

"What does that even mean?" Lynn asks.

"It means Hello my fellow friends in Spanish" Will makes a point. I nod my head in agreement.

"You know Spanish?" Uri asks.

"You don't?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Say something else" Shauna demands

"Lo que debo decir?" I ask.

"What should I say?" Zeke translates.

"How about you piss off Mrs Matthews and speak in nothing but Spanish all lesson" Marlene asks. I agree because who wouldn't want to piss her off?

"But no one can translate it... Just to really piss her off." I tell them. They all laugh in agreement.

 We all rush off too our lockers before it was too late and head off to class.


We run in and take our seats in the devils class.

"Ahh Tris how nice of you to join us." I think what I would usually reply and say it in Spanish.

"Hola a ti también" (Hello to you too) I reply. She looks confused.

"What?" She bluntly questions.

"Hola a ti también" I give her a death glare before taking my seat next to Tobias.

"What did you say?" He asks.

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