Part 29

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--Tris' p.o.v-- The song is my favourite song EVER!!! I suggest you listen!! He Is We- Kiss It Better

I wake up to a loud banging on the door. I shoot  look at the time 7AM on a Saturday?!?!?! It better not be my brothers. I through the covers off me and go down the hall. Zekes door swings open, shortly followed by Uriah and Tori.

"What in the world is that sound?" Tori complains.

"It sounds like the door" I quickly add and carry on down the hall. No one follows but I know that the boys are listening in. The banging stops when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

I hesitantly head over and  unlock the doors before opening the door a small bit. I slowly open the door more. No one. I listen in for the footsteps running although they are too faint to follow. I am about to shut the door when an envelope that sits on the ground catches my eye. I pick it up and inspect it.

It has my name on. I shut the door and lock it up. I run my way back upstairs and see them all still stood by there doors. Good I do not want to open this alone it could be anything. Tori is the first to notice me and pushes herself off the doorframe.

"Anything? Anyone?" She asks making the boys notice my presences. I hold the envelope in between my fingers.

"Open it" Uriah ushers me. They nod in agreement. I open it up and I see a few pictures with a note. I first off read the note.


You have 24 hours to find us or he will die. No police, I will know and come alone. Good luck

Wait who will die? I quickly pull out the pictures and it shows MY Tobias tied up with what looks like rope and cloth tied in his mouth, stopping him from screaming too loudly. His face looks badly bruised and cut. My eyes widen and I just drop it all in shock. Zeke gathers it up looking at the pictures with the other two peering over his shoulder. I feel the tears threatening to spill like waterfalls. I sink to the floor and hug my knees close to my chest.

"Normally in this situation we should be going too the police but we shouldn't take any chances" Tori starts. "Plus your wolves right? This should be something you are able too do." Uriah gets down on his knees and pulls me closer too him as I let my sobs come out.

What is I never find him again?

What if they kill him?

What do they want from me?

What if its too late?

Questions run through my head like theres no tomorrow.

Once I have gained back at least some energy and controlled my sobs I pull myself off the ground and into my room. I close the door behind me not wanting anyone to follow me. I know what I have too do and that's what im going to do. I hear the others shuffle off downstairs. I very quickly and quietly get changed into just some leggings and a tank top before slipping on my trainers. I place my phone on silent and put it under my pillow. I don't need it so why would I take it?

I shove my hair into a messy ponytail and grab my watch and attach it tight to my wrist. I set it for 23 hours, I have longer but if im looking for 23 hours and find nothing I know I might never find him. I walk over to my desk pulling out paper and a pen.


I know you wouldn't let me go alone but that's exactly why I have gone. I have to go alone or they will kill him. Don't worry about me and DO NOT try find me! I mean it guys please just stay with the others and wait until I return, I am bringing Four home trust me.

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