The Details

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Apollo slumped onto her bed, as she ran her tongue over the cut that was on her bottom lip. As she clenched her fists, when a knock rang through her ears so she sat up.

"Who is it? ".

"Mrs Orin,  it's Haneul". Apollo felt a little disappointed when she heard who it was,  but shrugged it of and spoke in a formal tone.

"Please do come in". With that the door opened, and stepped through a tall figure,  Apollo simply stood as a blank look washed over her face.

"Mrs Orin... I have been aware, that you have met the omega". Apollo's eyebrows furrowed his confusion, she placed one hand on her hip as her weights shifted to the opposite leg.

"Shit". She thought before she spoke aloud though it was in a very slow manner.

"Do...elaborate hanuel".

"You met him on the first shook his hand but anyway...I am sure you are aware that the omega was taken as prisoner by our pack before,  as he is not a werewolf". Apollo simply nodded,  as she had figured out his species and knee that they must of captured him.

"His clan, was extremely high we caught him during a battle between them...and dragged him across the border to the werewolf area so his creatures couldn't track him". Apollo became extremely intrigued as she crossed her arms, and thought before asking.

"How high?".

"The highest clan, the Royals....but we suppose he isn't one of the Royal night children (Vampires) as they would of been searching high and low for must of been an adviser or something". Haneul spoke as he glanced around the room,  keeping his posture straight as he looked back to Apollo.

"How long has he been a prisoner for our pack?"

"3 years"

"So it is certain,  he is one of the night children(Vampires)".

"He is, but we watered down his scent and forbid him of using any of his species abilities".

"Forbid huh". Apollo scoffed as she thought

"He fucking was using his speed, and bloody cut me". Hanuel looked at her with a raised eyebrow as he tilted his head and asked.

"Why do you put it like that,  Mrs Orin...has he used his abilities". Apollo thought for a second before replying as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Not that I have noticed".

"Good". Hanuel put shortly as he bowed to her, a perfect 90 degree angle he made, as he began to make his way to the door.

"No wait Haneul....What is the Omega's name?".

"No one knows".

"Why doesn't he speak...I address him but he doesn't answer". Apollo said but didn't want to mention that he has used mind link to communicate with her.

"No one knows that either". Apollo wanted to know more,  especially on why she felt this pull towards him.

"I have this friend who is trying to find her mate...she feels a pull this person and her eyes turn a Ruby when he is near and she has seen his eyes also change a Ruby". Apollo decided to use her "friend" as a way to tell him without being suspicious.

"Well that's her mate...". Apollo gasped slightly in shock,  she almost fell back onto the floor but she held outs the wall near her is time.

"Mrs Orin what is the problem".

"No I choked slightly...on my saliva". She lied, though it came out as a question and looked blankly to Haneul to mask her emotions.

"Alright......well anything else, Mrs Orin".

"Um.....however my friend has encountered one of the night children, and her eyes turned red and so doesn't that mean....they are mates". She asked in a calm tone, as she sat down again gaze locked to a nearby wall.

"...Well that is certainly peculiar and I am not as familiar with the night children's background as I am with mine,  but I do know that if one of night children has found their mate both eyes will turn a pitch black...but I could be wrong Mrs Orin".

"I think you and I both need a brush up on our enemies if we are to meet them...and potentially fight them".

"I agree...however Mrs Orin the night children are quite possessive no one would want to be with one...and none will as the night and the children of the sun don't mix(Vampires and Werewolves) I am certain this friend of yours cannot be marked with a vampire".

"But the mentions a night and sun child forming one-". Apollo was cut off by a vicious snarl, coming from hanuel's lips.

"That is bull and it is forbidden and....oh do forgive me alpha I overstepped my boundries".

"You did...leave now". Hanuel sighed and clenched his fists, before he existed the room.

My Secret Mute....(Park Jimin FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें