Chapter 1: What's the matter?

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"Honey, what's the matter? Is everything okay?" I said as I held his hand once again. Seriously? What is the matter with this guy?

"Nothing. It was just ...I am tired." he said and his expression told me. It was very evident in his almost black under eye. Maybe he has been dealing with so many problems at school.

"That's fine I could totally understand you. Once we're done, we will just go straight home and..."

"I am tired with us." he blurted.

I was in shocked for about 10 seconds but I maintain my composure and was able to ask why.

"There's no reason. It's just.. I just want to take a break from us. I want to be free and see myself, find myself. I want freedom." he explained as if he was just stating a fact.

"Wait.. I want explanation. You can't just say that. I need answers!" I demanded.

"I just realized something lately that made me conclude that we need to break up. You have been suffocating me. It's .. I don't know. I need to go" he said as he stood up and then left me all alone.

I was left with nothing to say and soon enough, tears starting to flow. I wish I had said something. I wish I had done everything to make this relationship work. I wish he didn't break up with me.

Am I too suffocating? Am I so possessive? When? And as I went home ,alone in my room.. I was left with the question "What's the matter?"

A/N: thank you for reading. Please do comment. It would certainly mean a lot. Thanks

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