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Today is the day, our first official meeting after One Direction decided to end the hiatus. I always knew we were going to come back, and I cannot wait for the tour to start. After getting ready for the day, I drive down to the studio and see Louis's car already here, hmm, I thought Liam would be here first, maybe he's just in traffic or something. I park and head in.

"Morning Niall" Eva the receptionist says


"Usual spot" She says

"Thanks Eva"

I walk down to our usual meeting room and see Louis sitting there, on his phone.

"Hey Niall"

"Hey Louis, how's it going?" I ask the feathery hair lad

"Pretty good, yourself?"

"Good." I reply.

We casually chat while we wait for the others to rock up. I have to admit, I have missed just talking with the boys, we needed the break but it defiantly was hard not seeing everyone on pretty much a daily basis. Louis and I keep a steady conversation going while we wait for Liam, Harry and management to show up. 

"Morning boys." Harry's deep voice rings around the room.

"Morning Harold." I say and Louis replies with a 'good morning'. 

"Has anyone seen Liam this morning, knowing him, he would be here first?" Harry asks.

"Nah, haven't seen him, I was here first, no sign of the lad." Louis says before turning back to his phone.

"Sorry I'm late boys." Liam says as he rushes into the room "Traffic was horrid this morning."

"All good mate, where's management now?" I ask

"No clue." Harry says

"Oh for fuck sakes." Louis says, clearly frustrated

"What's up mate?" Liam asks.

"Briana's being  a bitch." He says. If we were in a cartoon, steam would be shooting out of his ears.

"What's she done?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

"Bloody saying I can't see Freddie this week at all cause she has to go see her aunt or something." 

I feel so bad for Louis, he has a right to see his son and this Briana chick won't let him. 

"Sorry lads, let's just get on with it." He apologises

"Management isn't here yet, Lou, this is clearly upsetting you." Harry says, sitting on the other side of Louis.

"I mean, it was a mistake, she wasn't meant to get pregnant, but it happened and ever since, she's completely changed, she's so bossy and restrictive on Freddie, she won't let me see him, I can barely head home with him and she just thinks she controls where he goes, it's not fair, he's my son too."

"Oh Lou, your right, you have a right to ask to see Freddie, she can't just say you can't." Liam says, kneeling in front of Louis.

"How 'bout we grab a tea or something, you know management are always late or something." I suggest, hoping that Louis can calm down a little. 

"Sounds good." Louis says. So we get up and head down to the kitchen, grabbing a drink and one of the freshly made blueberry muffins before heading back down to the meeting room, all before management rocked up. Typical. We sit down at the table and wait, a light conversation being held.

"Hello Boys." Steven said (A/N- I don't know their mangers names, so these are just made up). Steven was head manager, and Bob and Kevin were his assistants, who liked making things extra hard for us. 

"Morning Steven." Harry says. Ever the polite one out of us four. The managers walk to the front of the table, setting down notes, their computers and coffees before taking a seat themselves.

"Right, well there is no time to waste, so tomorrow we are going to start tour rehearsals and hopefully by the end of month, know where we are going, of course this is going to be a world tour, biggest one yet, especially since the fans will be dying to see you live after the break." Steven says, I swear that guy has an extra lung or something, he can talk, that's for sure. 

"Rehearsals already?" Louis asks. I was thinking the same thing, can't we have a little time to get back into routine and that.

"Yes, Louis, we have a tour to plan and you will be rusty from not doing it, we need to start, you guys promised the fans." says Kevin. Touché, he knows Louis will always do what he can for the fans and hates disappointing them. Louis mumbles something incoherent and slumps back into his chair. 

"So, we will start at eight o'clock and hopefully wrap up around 4 or 5 o'clock" Says Bob. 

The rest of the meeting is just about tour schedules, what's expected, the usual sale graph was pulled out. They talked about interviews, photoshoots, live performances. After what feels like forever, they finally let us go, thinking how much work is ahead of us in the next few weeks and months. 


Okay, there is snapshot of what everyone is going to get up to 


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