“We just spoke with the head of the medical team. Like Yoshi said, her life isn’t in any danger. But...” Thomas formed a worried look on his face.

“They say the damage to her head was pretty intense. And...they also say there’s a strong chance that...she may never regain consciousness again.” As soon as he heard that, Thomas felt as if he had just been stabbed through the heart. His whole body froze as he could hardly breathe.

“That...can’t...” He couldn’t even bring himself to finish speaking. Looking over at the white truck, he peered through the window. There were a few men in there still working on Marisa. He couldn’t see her face, but he could see her hand. It was just laying there completely motionless. Unable to hold himself up, Thomas dropped to the ground on his knees as Red Claw’s words continued to ring in his ears.

“I guess it goes to show that you really are a weakling who can’t protect anyone other than yourself.” Filled with anger and frustration, he slammed his hands against the road.

“She’s right. I couldn’t do anything. I wasn’t able to protect Marisa just like I wasn’t able to protect my mother. Why?! Why couldn’t I do it?! Why couldn’t I protect her?! Just what is it?! What is it that I’m suppose to do?! Please! Please tell me!” At that moment, Thomas raised his head and cried out as loud as he could as rain rolled down his face covering his tears.


   After the fire was put out and all the bombs were gathered, everyone headed out. Thomas was still on his knees just letting the rain pour over him. Finally, Marcus and Yoshi came up. Marcus held an umbrella over his head while Yoshi wrapped a warm dry towel around him.

“Come on, Thomas. We should get going. They’ve taken Marisa to W.O.O.H.P.’s infirmary where she can receive the best treatment available. I’m sure everything will turn out.” Yoshi said as she helped him to his feet.

“Yeah, right.” Letting Marcus and Yoshi lead him, Thomas got back into his car. Yoshi sat is the back while Marcus drove. As they drove away, Thomas just watched the rain.

“Nothing. There was nothing I could do. Nothing at all.” After taking the short drive, they arrived back at W.O.O.H.P. and headed over to the infirmary. There, they met a couple of nurses who happened to be Yoshi’s good friends.

“Yoshi! Thank goodness you’re alright!”

“We heard about what happened and were worried about you.”

“Yeah, stop scaring us like that. If you keep this up, you’re gonna put all of us in early graves.”

“Sorry, Arianna, Alexis, Rachel, things got a little out of hand. How’s Marisa doing? Any change?” Arianna shook her head.

“I’m afraid not. The doctors just finished stitching her head up and did all they could to make her more comfortable. But...” Yoshi lowered her head.

“I understand.” She looked at Thomas. He had a look on his face as though all the life had been drained out of his eyes. Sadly, she walked up to him and took hold of his arm.

“Come on, Thomas. You’ve been through enough for one night and should get some sleep.” Unable to answer, Thomas let Yoshi lead him down the hall. Everyone just watched them go.

“Poor Thomas.” Arianna stated.

“I feel almost as bad for him as I do for Marisa.” Alexis mentioned.

“He’s really taking it hard. I hope he’s not blaming himself for what happened to her.” Rachel said. Marcus let out a sigh.

“I’m afraid he is. In more ways than one.” The girls looked at him.

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