“In any case, we won’t be able to learn anything just hanging around here. We’ll take him back to headquarters with us for interrogation to see what we can find out. We’ll be sure to contact you as soon as something turns up.” Thomas nodded as the chief headed back for his car. Marcus and Yoshi walked up next to him.

“Are we all set?” Marcus asked.

“Yeah, let’s head back.” With that, they headed back towards their car. Just as he was about to open the car door, Thomas thought he heard someone call out to him. He looked up to see Marisa running towards him with a big smile on her face.

“Thomas! Wait for me!”

“Marisa?!” Unable to hold himself back, he rushed towards her. Marisa smiled as she leaped into his arms. For a moment, the two of them just stood there embracing each other.

“I missed you.” Marisa stated. Thomas gave her a squeeze.

“I missed you too.” Marcus and Yoshi just stood there with big grins on their faces. Finally, Thomas let Marisa go.

“I’m kind of surprised. I didn’t think you’d be here. I thought you’d still be at the hospital.”

“I saw the news report on the TV and rushed over when I realized it was close by.”

“I see.” Then without saying a word, Thomas took her hand and led her towards the car. Just then, Marcus opened up the door to the passenger seat.

“I believe the saying goes, ladies first.” Marisa chuckled.

“Why thank you, mister. That’s very considerate of you.” Marisa hopped into the car while Marcus jumped in the back.

“Ouch! Marcus, you sat on my hand!” Yoshi cried.

“Really? I thought it was a rock.” Marcus teased. Yoshi’s face turned bright red.

“Why you!” Marisa and Thomas couldn’t help but laugh. As they drove away, no one noticed a shadowy figure watching them from the alley. As quickly as he appeared, he suddenly disappeared into the shadows.

   After taking the short drive, everyone found themselves back at W.O.O.H.P.

“Hey, Marisa, long time no see.” Miki stated.

“Welcome back.” Minnie remarked.

“It’s been a while, Miki, Minnie. How have you been?”

“Oh can’t complain. I could stand to get out and stretch a little more though.” Miki mentioned while stretching her arms high over her head.

“What are you talking about?! You’re the one who always takes off leaving me to do all the work?!” Minnie steamed.

“I get it all done when I come back, don’t I?”

“Only because I end up doing the majority of it while you’re gone.” Minnie mentioned with an annoyed look on her face. Miki brought her arms down.

“If that’s how you feel, than don’t do it at all. I’ll get it all done eventually.” Minnie’s face turned bright red with rage.

“Is that anyway to thank someone who’s constantly breaking her neck to cover for you?!”

“If you did break your neck, you’d be dead.” Miki stated with a smirk. Minnie just fumed, unable to think of a good comeback. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh. Just then, the doors opened. Everyone looked to see Commander Sampson walk through the door.

“Hello there, Commander.”

“Oh, Marisa, hello yourself. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

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