“Poor, Marisa. She tries so hard, but she really can’t say no to Maggie.”

   As 6:30 quickly approached, all kinds of racket could be heard behind the door of Marisa’s room.

“May May, I don’t know about this?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You look great. Now all we have to do is put the silver flower in to seal the deal.”

“What?! You can’t be serious! I can’t wear that thing too!”

“Of course you can. It will be the perfect match.”

“No way! No way! I don’t want to look like a flower girl!”

“Oh, quit complaining and hold still!” The sounds of a struggle suddenly got louder. At one point, Kimmiekoe, who had been in the room the whole time, let out a loud cry.

“Hey watch it! You stepped on my cat!”

“That wasn’t me! That was you! Now hold still!” Just outside the door, Donna was walking by carrying a laundry basket full of clothes.

“Girls, is everything alright in there?”

“Mom! Help me! May May’s trying to make me look like a Marionette!”

“Don’t listen to her! She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!” Just then, they heard the doorbell ring.

“Eep! That must be him! Now stop fidgeting and let me finish!”

“Oh, why me?!” Donna just shook her head and smiled. Walking up to the front door, she put the laundry basket down and opened it to see a very nicely dressed young man at the door with two bouquets of roses in his hand. He was wearing a dark gray shirt with a black buttoned up sweater vest over it and a dark blue tie with black pants. Donna smiled.

“Well, don’t you look very nice tonight. Come on in. Marisa should be down any minute.”

“Thank you. By the way, these are for you.” Thomas smiled while handing her one of the bouquets.

“Oh, how lovely. You’re so sweet. Thank you.” While walking to the kitchen to put them in a vase, Donna called out.

“Marisa, there’s a very handsome looking visitor here for you.” Upstairs, Marisa hid behind the corner of the wall.

“I can’t let him see me like this!” She whispered to Maggie with her face bright red.

“Don’t chicken out on me now! You look perfect! Now get out there and stop making him wait!” With that, she gave Marisa a little push. Realizing she didn’t have a choice, Marisa took a deep breath and came out into the open. As soon as Thomas saw her, he was completely blown away. She was wearing her purple dress with the flower shaped pendant with a white jacket over it. She also had her hair pinned up in a pretty bun with a big silver flower in it and she was wearing the bracelet Thomas gave her around her wrist. As she walked down the stairs, Marisa was very careful not to trip in her new silver sandals. As soon as she made it down the stairs, she looked up at Thomas. He just stood there with a stunned look on his face. Marisa snapped her eyes shut.

“Eep! Thomas is staring right at me! Do I really look that weird?! Darn it! Why couldn’t I just raid my closet and tell May May no?!”

“You look beautiful.” Thomas finally said. Marisa opened her eyes and was surprised to see him smiling at her.

“That dress really suits you.” Marisa face turned bright red.

“You really think so? I’m not used to wearing fancy stuff like this. I hardly ever wear dresses at all.” Thomas just smiled as he handed her the bouquet of roses.

Falling Petals of a Blue RoseWhere stories live. Discover now