“Well, it might not have been a strike, but a spare’s just as good.” Yoshi smirked as she sat back down.

“What’s wrong, Marcus? Not laughing anymore?” Marcus grinned.

“Don’t get your hopes up. This game is just beginning.” Next, Thomas stepped up to make the first throw for his team. Marisa watched as he stared at the cones with intense focus. Finally, he swung the ball hard and fast. Bam! It made a perfect bulls eye right through the cones knocking them all down. Marisa’s eyes widened as her jaw fell open. Minnie and Marcus jumped up.

“Yeah! Now that’s how you play the game!” Marcus threw his fist in the air.

“Way to go, Thomas! You’re the best!” Minnie squealed. Thomas just smiled as he sat back down. Just then, Yoshi threw her arm around Marisa and pulled her in close.

“Listen, Marisa, we absolutely have to win this! Paying for Marcus’s lunch for a week let alone 2 would totally kill my wallet! We can’t allow ourselves to be defeated!” Marisa formed a confused look on her face.

“If that’s the case, than why did you even make that bet at all?”

“Are you kidding?! A woman should never back down from a challenge issued by a man. Doing so would just make you into a weakling. Now go out there and win this for the team!” Marisa frowned.

“Yoshi, I’m not really that good.”

“That’s no way to approach a challenge. You’ve got to face up to it with a face full of pride and confidence. Now, give it everything you’ve got and don’t hold back!” Marisa swallowed hard as she picked up her ball.

“That’s easy for her to say.” Trying not to let the pressure get to her, Marisa swung the ball.

“Here goes nothing!” Marisa let go of the ball. It swayed to the side a little, then fell right into the gutter. Everyone watched in complete silence as the ball just rolled down the gutter. When the ball was out of sight, Marcus threw his head back laughing. Yoshi flared up.

“What was that?! I told you not to hold back!” Marisa’s face was already bright red.

“But...I didn’t. I told you I’m not very good at this.” Just then, the ball came back out. Marisa hesitated then picked it up.

“Now what do I do? I don’t really even know what I’m doing. How can I hope to hit any of the cones let alone win.” Marisa’s hands started shaking. Suddenly, she felt someone put their hands on hers. Marisa’s eyes shot open to see Thomas smiling at her.

“It’s okay. Just take your time. I’ll help you.” At first, Marisa didn’t say anything. Then, she smiled. Taking a deep breath, she slowly raised her arm guided by Thomas’s hand.

“Don’t focus on the floor. Focus only on the cones themselves. Instead of throwing the ball, simply release it like you would a fish as it flows into the water. Relax your shoulders and let your hand glide. Never take your eyes off the cones.” Marisa carefully listened to Thomas’s advice as she stared directly at the cones. Taking a deep breath, she let the ball slide across the floor. At first, it looked like the ball was going to crash to the side. But at the last second, it changed directions and plowed through the middle knocking all the cones down. Marisa’s face brightened.

“I did it...I did it!” She cheered as she threw her hands in the air. Thomas smiled as he watched her jump for joy. Marcus rushed up to him.

“Dude, what were you thinking?! Giving advice to the opposing team?!”

“What else could I do? She was trying so hard she couldn’t even think straight. I was the same way when I first started to bowl.” Marcus just shook his head.

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