Chapter 3 ~ Blur

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The journey to the border that separated the two Clan's territories was, as expected, longer than usual. None of the cats spoke as they walked through the forest. Lionheart stayed closed to One-eye, making sure she didn't stumble or fall on the way. Bluestar could sense the pale golden tom was confused and annoyed at her, but she didn't mind, so long as the patrol could be the same as it was all those moons ago. Even though two of the members were long-dead, and another an elder.

As they reached and settled themselves at the RiverClan border to wait for a passing patrol, Lionheart hissed quietly, "Bluestar!" She turned her head to look at the tom. He stayed seated between the she-cats, but his fur bristled. "This... is quite possibly the worst way imaginable to formally welcome Oakstar!" Leaning closer to her, he hissed, "You've brought an elder  with you! What's that going to say to RiverClan?"

"RiverClan will say what they like." Bluestar kept her gaze fixed on the enemy Clan's territory, not even realising that the trance was returning as her mind filled with memories of sound and colour and light.

She was jolted back to reality when a scoff filled her ears. "What is this?"

A RiverClan border patrol consisting of Blackclaw, Loudbelly, and Heavypaw strolled up to the ThunderClan cats. Blackclaw's gaze moved over the patrol slowly, lingering the longest on One-eye. Bluestar raised her head defiantly, staring at the enemy warrior. "We are here to welcome Oakstar as leader," she mewed.

Mrrows of laughter rose from the RiverClan cats. Bluestar felt Lionheart stiffen beside her, chest rumbling with a growl. "Alright, alright," Blackclaw mewed, his voice still gurgling with amusement. "We'll take you to Oakstar."

"What was that?" One-eye mewed. "I'm a little hard of hearing these days."

Blackclaw dared to step over the border and leaned close to One-eye's ear. No doubt his fishy breath will repulse her, Bluestar thought, suppressing a mrrow of amusement.

"We're going to take you to formally welcome Oakstar," he mewed into it.

"Well, that is why we came, isn't it?" One-eye rasped. Blackclaw's eyes widened and he stepped back as the elderly she-cat rose to her paws. "Now if I were you, I'd get off our territory before Bluestar lets poor Lionheart over here claw you to shreds."

Blackclaw's narrowed gaze swung to the broad-shouldered tom, whose fur was bristling; lips drawn back in a snarl. Lionheart took one threatening step forward towards the RiverClan tom, who instinctively shrunk and moved backwards onto his own land. Realisation came into Blackclaw's eyes, and he immediately rose up, ears twitching in embarrassment. "We'll take you to Oakstar now," he muttered. His gaze sharpened as he looked to Loudbelly and Heavypaw. "Stay on either side of them."

As the six cats began to move through RiverClan territory, Loudbelly moved to Lionheart's side, while Heavypaw watched One-eye. Bluestar walked behind Blackclaw. As they moved through the territory, she couldn't help remembering when Oakstar had made her pretend she had a thorn in her paw so they could talk.

The night that followed was the best one of her life.

Before she knew it, they were approaching the entrance to the RiverClan camp. Everything became sharp and clear; her breathing became fast. She remembered why she was here. Bluestar realised she should never have asked One-eye to join her on the patrol. She was an elder; much too old to accompany a patrol. Plus, it was disrespectful. It was like she was back to the leader she used to be: young, strong, and capable. Why did I do that? Have I gone mad?

"One-eye." As she spoke, the cats stopped. The elderly cat turned to face her leader expectantly. Bluestar met her Clanmate's eyes. She remembered despite her handicap, it had never deterred her from being a warrior ThunderClan could be proud of. She remembered how she'd kept the older she-cat company while a patrol had gone to take Sunningrocks from RiverClan, and in turn, the older cat had comforted her in the wake of Snowfur's death and guided her in the days she was Mistyfoot and Stonefur's mother. She realised in a way, they had somehow been close over the course of their lives - and asking her to accompany her on the way to welcome her former mate was wrong. "You may go back to camp. I was wrong to bring you."

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