“Very busy. It seems like I’m stuck working even outside the office. Just the other day, I had to stitch up a boy’s knee after he fell at the park.”

“Boy, you sure are handy that’s for sure. Not very many doctors would commit themselves as much as you do.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Now now, that’s enough of that. No work today. This is a party. So, Marisa, just go out and enjoy yourself.” Maggie changed the subject. Marisa smiled and rolled her eyes.

“It’s kind of hard for me to enjoy myself when you drag me all over the place.” She said to herself. Just then, Marisa looked behind Jarred’s shoulders at his friends who were just standing there talking. One of them in particular stood out. He was facing the other way so Marisa couldn’t see his face, but there was something about his backside that just stood out, especially his short blonde hair. Maggie noticed that Marisa was staring at him.

“What’s up, Macy? Do you know Thomas?”

“Thomas?” Just then, he turned and looked at her. Now that he was facing her, Marisa was able to get a good look at his face.

“It can’t be!” Her face lit up as her heart began pounding.

“It’s him! The guy who saved me from falling at the mall! The one who...” Unable to speak, Maggie had to snap her back into reality.

“Hey Macy, wake up.” Marisa quickly snapped into reality as she saw he was looking right at her. He also had a smile on his face. She found herself blushing as she tried to get her bearings.

“Macy? Is that your name?”

“Uh, no actually, it’s Marisa. But some of my friends call me Macy.”

“I see. Do you prefer Macy or may I call you Marisa?”

“Um, Marisa’s fine.”

“Well, my name is Thomas. We didn’t really get to that part yesterday.” Marisa felt her heart kick into overtime as she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye.

“Yesterday?! Than it really is him!” She said to herself completely flustered.

“Huh, yesterday? What’s he talking about Macy?” Maggie asked now curious.

“Um...well...actually.” Marisa couldn’t bring herself to say it. Watching her reaction, Maggie was able to figure it out.

“Huh, don’t tell me! Thomas is the one you told me about?! The one who said you were beautiful?!” Marisa’s face turned bright red.

“May May! Not so loud! Everyone will hear you!” It was too late for that. All the guys gathered around Thomas who was just smiling.

“Dude, you called a girl beautiful?! I’ve never even heard you call a girl pretty.” Someone said.

“Yeah, you always said looking at girls was a waste of time.” Marisa, still blushing, raised her head as she looked at Thomas’s goofy grin.

“Knock it off, guys. It’s not like that. You know I’m not that kind of guy.”

“Yeah, we know you alright. You’re the kind of guy who says he doesn’t need a girl in his life but all the girls look at you anyway cause they think you’re so good looking.” Someone teased as he rubbed Thomas’s head. Standing next to Marisa, Maggie just rolled her eyes.

“Oh will you boys get over yourselves. Admit it. You’re just jealous cause you don’t have the looks or charms that Thomas and Jarred have.” Marisa’s face shot up.

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