Falling Petals of a Blue Rose

Start from the beginning

“Step on it, sis! Don’t let them beat us!” Marisa laughed.

“You can’t beat a school bus. Besides, we’re already here.” She pointed out as she turned into the school parking lot. After quickly saying bye, he grabbed his backpack and rushed to the door. By the time he got there, his friends were just getting off the bus.

“Ha ha! Beat ya!”

“No way! We pulled up way before you did!”

“Doesn’t count. I got to the door first. So there!”

“And apparently was a little too anxious.” A voice from behind him spoke up. Conner spun around to see Marisa standing there with a smirk on her face.

“Sis, I thought you were long gone?”

“I would be if a certain someone made sure he didn’t forget anything.” She said holding up his lunch box. At seeing that, his friends burst out laughing.

“What’s the matter, Conner? Focused on winning a race so much that you need big sister to carry your things for you?” Blushing, Conner snatched his lunch and hid it away.

“No way! That’s what Preschool kids do! We’re in the big school now!”

“Sure, sure, whatever you say.” His friends continued laughing. Just then, the bell rang.

“Okay, how bout this? First one to class wins!” Conner stated.

“Just make sure you don’t forget your books.” With that, Conner and his friends rushed into the building. Marisa just stood there shaking her head and smiling.

“I’ve heard the saying boys will be boys, but this is just too much.”

   After driving a little ways, Marisa pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Grabbing her bag, she put on her doctor’s jacket and walked into the building.

“Good morning, Dr. Marisa. Care for a doughnut?” Asked a man as he held up a box of doughnuts.

“Good morning, Dr. John. No thank you, I already ate. How’s Mrs. Sampson doing?”

“I just checked on her a little while ago. Still feeling a little dizzy, but other than that as well as can be expected. That woman’s will to stay alive never ceases to amaze me.”

“I can completely understand. After everything she’s been through, it’s quite surprising that she’s doing as well as she is.”

“And it’s all thanks to the precise medical care she’s been receiving from the best doctor around.” He smiled. Marisa rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t play that much of a role. I merely gave her the right treatment to bring down her infection and ease her pain. The majority of it was up to her.”

“Sure, whatever you say. By the way, this is the new transfer we’ve been expecting.” Dr. John stated referring to the man next to him. Marisa looked to see a tall man who appeared to be close to her age with dark brown hair.

“Dr. Marisa, meet our new comrade, Dr. David. Dr. David, meet the star of the medical world, Dr. Marisa.” Marisa rolled her eyes.

“Now, Dr. John, how many times have I told you not to call me that?”

“Oops, sorry.” Dr. David held out his hand.

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Dr. Marisa. I’ve heard so many incredible things about you.” Marisa smiled as she shook his hand.

“The pleasure’s all mine, Dr. David. I’m sure most of what you’ve heard are merely rumors.”

“But you really are a medical genius. After all, you graduated medical school when you were only 15 years old and became Chief of Staff for this hospital just after you turned 17! Not only that, but you’ve also helped patients who have been in critical condition for months make a full recovery! Those are by far incredible titles for one so young.” Marisa just smiled.

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