Prologue : Life is no fairytale

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Marriage , love and life. All of these had been already been decided for me. "Perfectly planned life" as my sister put it.

I had hoped deep down inside my heart for this day to never arrive but it was here right in front of me ready to fuck up my life even more than it already is.

I Nanette Moretti was to be married to Leonardo Adami.
The soon to be boss of the Adami business and by business I meant illegal business.

The Mafia Business.

The mafia world was something I had known all my life. Something that I was born into.
But that did not mean that I was used to this or liked it.
I knew that I did not want any part of this godforsaken life.

I did not wanna marry Leon.

I wanted none of it but here I was staring at the mirror while my cousin whose name I had completely forgotten was fixing my make up for my wedding.

And all I could do was hold still.

I felt like my head was gonna explode.

I was feeling too many things at once and not one of them was a good kind of feeling.

I had no mirages or false hopes about being married to Leon.
I had no expectations of love from him.
It wasn't like I had believed in love to begin with.

I wasn't really raised by a happy love-dovey couple. So you can't exactly blame me for being this pessimistic.
I felt worse then a hooker on a sidewalk of a shady street at this moment.
A hooker was at least be free to choose whose dick she would suck, me not so much.

My only consolation was that my sister who was a year younger than me was also to be a part of the Adami family by marrying the underboss & my soon to be husband's brother Maximus Adami after my marriage.

At least we could be together in this misery as we were through out our life.
She was all I had so I was happy to be near her.
Even if it meant that I had to be married to Leon for it to happen.

Leon, his name was enough to sends chills down my spine. He might be the only person I disliked more then my father at this moment.

My father.... no our father, yes our father never loved us as he had loved my step-brother Blake.
He never hit bad as he hit our mother or at least not that often to break something.
Well now that I think about it he did break... something. He broke my heart, my love for him, my childhood and most importantly he broke my mother.
She was shattered so badly by him broken beyond repair into a billion pieces.
And all I could do was watch while she broke.

I guess that's the reason why I am so fucked up because watching your own mother being destroyed in front of you that is the kind of shit that messes you up.

Father never starved us or anything like that but it always showed in the little ways how unnecessary we really were.
I guess you could say we were raised as poultry which is fed and taken care of till it's time for it to serve its purpose.
Then it's taken to the slaughter house. At this moment this is how I truly felt.

Therefore though petrified I had somewhat been prepared for this marriage.... it couldn't be that much worse then all the shit I had been through, right??

" Wrong bitch".
"Who are you kidding" my conscience screams at me and damn was she right.

I was so fucked.

These men used their wives for pleasure and treated them like garbage. In their eyes women were objects or toys which they could use however they pleased.

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