Poseidon's Lost Daughter

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Hey! New story! Yeah!

My name is Jordan Rose. I got to Ridge Bridle Academy. I have always loved water... And building stuff. It's weird. I also seem to be able to spawn fire willi- my thoughts are interrupted by my friend, Mylah, shoving a notebook in my face.. "Jordan... Jordan Renae... Jordan Renae Rose; Your nose is on fire!" I was about to go swimming in the pool, but I realized my nose caught on fire.

I quickly put it out before I dive into the warm, relaxing, H2O. I smile as I feel my hair rise of my shoulders as the water turns it from dirty blonde to jet black. I then realize Mylah is just staring at me as if I am crazy.

I rise to the surface of the wet substance, wearing a confused look on my face. "What are you looking at, Mylah?" I ask. She points to her hair. I realize she has never seen me swim before, which is amazing considering the fact that I swim everyday after school.

"Oh... It does that a lot." She shakes her head and points to mine. I look at it. "What IS this?!?!" I scream, staring at my now rainbow hair. "... Jordan we gotta go now." She says. I gasp. "You can talk?!?!" I ask. Backstory: Mylah has a disorder where she can't talk. At all. She jumps in, grabs my hand and sprints-swims?- to the ladder, pulling me with her.

She lets go of my hand, and let's me climb up. After I am done climbing up, Mylah rushes to get up too. She grabs my hand and rushes out of the school. "Where are we going?!?" She goes back to being silent. "Mylah this isn't funny! Tell me where we're going!" I scream at her. She looks at me. My hair had set on fire. It wasn't rainbow, it was more of a red color now.

She looks at me as I let go of her hand. "WHAT IS THIS BULL CRAP?!?!?!" She looked at me before getting her journal out of her backpack. She wrote:

Chiron told me not to do this... But Jordan... You're a half-blood. A half-god; half-human. I need you to understand that your father... and mother... are gods. Which makes... you more than half-god... You're three quarters god and 1 quarter human. Now come on! Camp Half-Blood is this way!

There is NOOOO way, that me, Jordan Rose, is a demigod. I felt infuriated for some reason... I don't know... It's just... My parents.. My four sisters... My one brother... What about them? The people that raised me for those 14 years... And now I figure out that they aren't my parents?!? This is outrageous; Mylah must've seen my expression because she gave me a pitiful look. I just scowl and say "Let's just go." before she can say anything. She doesn't say a word and we just continue; Granite she cannot say a word at all.

We walk up a hill, that looks like just a casual strawberry farm-I secretly picked a few behind Mylah's back-, but as soon as we get to the top, a huge forest with a trail is to await us. 

New Story! Yay! Hope Y'all enjoy! I wish you guys a happy day, whoever has the nerve to read this! If you skip past it... You're lucky you won't read this: You need to READ my NEXT authors NOTE FOR important INFORMATION ABOUT my YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND MY AUTHOR NOTE CHAPTERS

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