a little bit of happiness

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I'd like me some of that thing called happiness. I heard it makes you do happy things.

But i never saw a person be happy, not in my house atleast. They always look dark and mean, it makes me feel like a target.

Because i care about my family, when they wish me the worst, I hope for them to be happy.

When they want to slit my wrists, I wish for them to be happy.

When they all gang up on me and blame me, I wish for them to be...happy.

So why can't I be happy?

Is it that I don't deserve it? That I am garbage infront of their eyes, or is it just a phase and they are waiting for me to commit suicide..?

Neither sound something that happy would do..does happy hate me?

But happy only has happy emotions right?

Imagine happy being depressive.

Would happy still be happy?

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