the sad unfortunate dog

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No day passing by, no tree ignoring his call,

As they all invaded his space, to see who died first,

The sad dog longed for a tasty meal, just as the unfortunate boy for a healthy deal,

But the dog died, and the owner from the inside,

As he turned away, and did his best, by promising himself to not regret,

The sad dog had lived a life, full of happiness in his tribe, something the boy wished for, as he locked himself up for good,

The trees neglected them both, as they used their magic to feel no remorse, they ended the owner's life, to show the people who's the boss...

The sad dog longed for a tasty meal, he got it, it was his last meal,

The unfortunate boy didn't get a healthy deal, as he died from the inside and slowly felt his life slip a mile,

It slipped like sand between his fingers, as he buried his dog before dinner, the dinner he got from his new owner, and left his old one with a cold shivering bone,

The bone was tasty as the meat that was on it, were the words from the the pretty daughter as she buried herself once again, six feet farther,

Don't neglect me, don't forget me...and please don't accept me,

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