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"Well I have another question." I said
"What is it?"
"Who's this girl?" I asked putting my finger on a picture of him and another girl
"It's Sarah Goodall. She's my friend. But you're not really beginning to think I've cheat on you."
"Did I say this?"
"No, but I see jealousy in your face."
"That's you who's saying to stop being jealous and that's also you who's jealous because I am friend with Nathan. What do you think that I can think when you post a picture of you and this girl and that you're not talking to me. I've good reason to think about it. Someone already cheated on me."
"Girl... I would never, never, never cheat on you. I promise. You know how I love you and I'll always love you."
I took a breath. I looked at the floor.
"I'm sorry Alex."
"You don't have to be sorry. I have to. It was too hard for me to be far. I didn't texted you because of this. I tough that it would help, but I was thinking of you everyday."

He hold me in his arms and why I hugged him tight.

We ate our food together in happiness and we laughed so much because Anna was telling us some stories. We went to the living room to watch a movie and then I received a text from Nathan.
Nate the bitch😸:
Hey girl what are you doing?
Me: I'm actually watching a movie with Alex and Anna, what about you?
Nate the bitch😸: I'm trying to breath.
Me: I think that you already breath 'cause if not I'm talking to a ghost.
Nate the bitch😸:
It's hard to breath when you're at the restaurant and that everyone recognise you. I will never come back here.
Me: But why are you staying there?
Nate the bitch😸:
Because Katie wants to have a romantic dinner at THIS restaurant.
And texting to someone in front of your girlfriend is "romantic"? And well it shouldn't be romantic if everyone talks to you and wants autographs.
Nate the bitch😸:
She's in the bathroom. And I know that's not romantic, but she thinks that it is, so.
You're doing like if you were a doushbag who dominate his girlfriend, but it's your girlfriend who dominate you.
Nate the bitch😸:
You're a bitch
You're a bitc
You're a bit
You're a bi
You're a b
You're a
You're a
You're a b
You're a bi
You're a bit
You're a bitch
Oh wait you're still a bitch.
You lost time only to write this.
Nate the bitch😸:
It was an important circumstance.😉
Just because I said the verity bro. 😘 wait did you're girlfriend felt in the toilet's hole or...?
Nate the bitch😸:
She's doing her makeup and I AM NOT a fucking doushbag.
Awwwww poor Nate, do you need ya mom?
Nate the bitch😸:
Shut the fuck up. She comes back, see you tomorrow sis'?😘
Sure, see ya tomorrow bro'😘Xo

I closed my phone and I continued to watch the movie. I missed a little (big) part of the movie, but I know this movie by heart. We're watching Mission Impossible, the best movie in the world so I know everything. Alex looked at me and smiled.
"I think you missed a little bit of the movie." he winked
"A little bit. Nate texted me because he was at the restaurant and everyone recognise him."
"Why he doesn't leave?"
"I shouldn't ask." he laughed

We continued to watch the movie and we finished to talk at 3h in the morning. When I was in the bed I was thinking about how my life changed since one year. I am in relationships with Alex Galchenyuk, I am best friend with Nathan Beaulieu and Jean-Gabriel Pageau... I couldn't realise it. I felt asleep thinking of it in Alex's arms.

Next morning
The next morning when I woke up I saw that I received a couple of texts messages. One of Nate, one of Jean-Gab, one of Phil and one of my best friend that I didn't see for long, Alexandrine (but she wants us to call her Alex).
Nate the bitch😸:
You're at Alex's home, I'm coming at 12 o'clock same if you don't want.
I feel like I'd be better if I wouldn't see you, but well. See you soon. 🐣

J-G Ugly🤗:
Hey girl, I'm coming at MTL soon, we hang out with Alex and Nate?
Sure. I'll give you your Christmas gift. 😊
J-G Ugly🤗:
You have a Christmas gift for me? You never get me one when we were together.
Shut up we never celebrated Christmas together.😹

Marie-Pierre just broke up with me...
Me: What? I'm so sorry...

I will always love youWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt