|You Realize You Like Him|

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 You sat on a park bench, watching as Damon ran around with the dogs and kids

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 You sat on a park bench, watching as Damon ran around with the dogs and kids. You'd agreed to meet here for a nice day off. He'd bought you your favorite kind of coffee and a triple chocolate muffin with caramel drizzled over the top. You'd melted. You hadn't had time to grab breakfast, and you'd 'accidentily' stayed up until three A.M. binge watching your favorite show. 

 You didn't have the energy to run around with Damon, so he'd left you on the bench, knowing if you watched him long enough, you would get up to play with him. He kept tabs on your heart beat and your breathing more than he should, but that didn't stop him from smiling at the pure joy that was permeating the atmosphere. 

 Damon tripped over something, and he looked down to observe what he had just tripped over. It was a little girl sitting on the ground. She was currently in tears. 

 Damon bent down to get on the little girls level. He talked to her and made her smile. You smiled as Damon and the little girl giggled. It reminded you of your dream list. When you were little, you and your little sister had made a list of your future husband's must-haves. There were some silly things, but there were also the good things. Like being able to make you smile. Or being good to you. Being good with kids. 

  Your heart skipped a beat. Did you like Damon? You shook off all of the denial and really thought about it. You weren't planning on staying in Mystic Falls much longer. After all, your aunts house was going to sell soon. You didn't want to get involved in any kind of dating relationship... it would only end in heartbreak. But he's so sweet. You thought stubbornly. You watched as he picked the little girl up and spun her around, causing her girlish squeals to reach your ears. No. It will hurt worse when I leave if I admit it now. You battled. You continued your inner battle for a few minutes before a woman came and sat next to you on the park bench.

 "Your husband is really good with kids. Are you guys thinking about starting your own family?" The lady asked from next to you.

 You looked over at her, startled. "Oh. No. We're not... we're just friends." You denied. 

 The woman had the gall to laugh in your face. "Honey, I know the look in your eyes. Stop fighting it. It's easier to give in than it is to ignore it." 

 You sighed wistfully and looked back over to Damon, who was now pushing the little girl on the swings. Okay... so maybe I have a tiny crush on him... you thought.

 Damon met your eyes and winked. Your belly flipped, and your heart started racing. Yeah... I like him a lot. You finalized. You took a sip of your coffee and took the last bite of your muffin before looking up to see Damon and his new friend skipping over to you.

 "Hi sweetie!" The woman next to you said as the little girl ran over to hug her.

 "Lilly and I have just had the most wonderful time. She was a princess and I fought off all the dragons that tried to harm her. She has quite the imagination." Damon smiled.

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