"Did you want something?" Emma asked him, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Ben is going out of town on business for a few days. Anita is unable to accompany him due to her mother having surgery. Therefore, you will go with him."

"You want me to take her?" I said.

"You told me you wanted my best." Dad gestured at Emma. "She is the best there is. Why do you think I pay her well? It's not because she's my lovely daughter-in-law. So yes or no on her going with you?"

I gave his question some thought. Could I handle being in close proximity to Emma for long periods of time? The way I saw it, I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted this business trip to run smoothly. "Yes," I finally said.

"I'll bring Rosalind up to speed on what needs to be done while I'm gone," Emma said. "Would you and Kay watch Henry for me?"

Dad smiled, nodding. "Drop him off on your way to the airport."

"Thank you." She slipped out of the office, closing the door behind her.

"There is something I feel I should tell you since Emma is going to be working with you." Dad cleared his throat. "She has a tendency to get busy and forget to eat. More than once I have heard her stomach growl only to learn she didn't eat lunch. Try to make sure she eats because we both know she doesn't need to lose any weight."

"Anything else I should know?" I queried.

His eyes twinkling, he said, "She's on loan, which means you can't keep her. I get her back."

Assuring him that wouldn't be a problem, I got up from the chair and left the room. Emma was standing at her desk, jotting something down on a piece of paper. I had a feeling she was making a list. The woman was all about making lists.

"What time is our flight?" she asked, without looking up.

"Seven-thirty." I replied. "I'd like to leave the house around seven."

"I'll be ready to go," she vowed.

The phone on her desk rang. Taking that as my cue to leave, I went back to my office.

I made it home shortly before six o'clock to find Emma had dinner on the table. After we ate, I retrieved our luggage from the top shelf of the hall closet, and we moved to the bedroom to pack.

"Make sure you pack comfortable shoes," I told her as I placed a stack of white t-shirts in the suitcase. "We're going to be doing some walking, and I don't want to hear you whine because your legs and back ache. Anita does that and it drives me crazy."

"It doesn't take much to drive you crazy, but for the next few days you will be the boss," she said. "I'll do as you say."

"Good answer."

Just then, the doorbell rang. Emma excused herself and went to answer it. She came back with Pete in tow.

"Dad asked me to pick up Henry so you wouldn't have to drop him off." He lowered himself onto the bench that was located at the foot of the bed. "Where is the little guy?"

"Last I saw of him he was in the kitchen eating," Emma answered. "I already packed his things. He is good to go."

"You do know Mom is going to spoil him rotten, don't you?" Pete said.

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