p a r t - o n e : bitter

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I watched in silence as this familiar girl who danced inside the empty studio. Her body moved along the rhythm of the music with ease and there was a slight smile on her lips. She wore a gray over‒sized blouse with black legging and black converse. I found it hard to divert my attention from this girl.

She was Jung Soojung. A senior named Junmyeon introduced her to me earlier and I foolishly shook her hand with a stupid look on my face. As embarrassing it was, I just could not help it, this girl was so mesmerizing. She was gorgeous, hardworking, good in dancing and singing, kind and quite popular among the trainees here. Everyone knew Soojung here, the little sister of Jessica Jung whom newly debuted together with her group Girls' Generation.

"Oh, Jongin, is that you?"

Her sweet voice woke me up from my daydream and I could feel my cheeks getting hotter as she approached me. She patted her sweaty neck with the towel that hung around her neck and opened the door.

"Do you want to practice? I'm sorry, I'll go after this. God, I don't even realize the time right now."

She entered back to the room without even waiting for my answer and packed her belonging to her sling bag. Actually I was just going back to take my book that I accidentally left on the studio for my singing practice. Then I heard a familiar music and came here to find her practiced alone on her own. But I supposed to leave quietly without getting caught staring at her like this.

"Here's the key, Jongin. I'm sorry, you should've stopped me earlier, you know?" Her fingers brushed mine as she gave me the key and she patted my shoulder. "I'll leave first, Jongin. Don't tire yourself too much."

I watched in awe as her figures walked past me and that was when reality struck.

"I should've offered to take her home." I grumbled and ruffled my hair in frustration.


"Soojung, do you want to go to the canteen together?"

Jonghyun's voice made me halted my track and turned to her direction. She just came out from the dance practice room and I could hear Girls' Generation song blasted from inside.

"Oh, is Jessica here today?" Junmyeon asked excitedly. "Is their practice going to end soon? If that so, then let's all grab some lunch together."

An apologetic look planted on her face and she shook her head. "Their practice just started a while ago."

Jonghyun sighed, obviously disappointed. "That's too bad. What about you then, are you free right now?"

She nodded in hesitant manner. "Well, I'm free, but..." She looked over Jonghyun's back where Taemin and I stood in silence. Taemin's lips then curled upward and he gave me a look. I nudged him on the rib as a warning to keep him quiet.

"Oh, Soojung, why don't you join us? I'm sure someone's going to be really happy if you do." He urged her and grinned as if he did not just about to spill my secret in front of my crush. "Someone's going to feel really, really happy, I swear."

I groaned inwardly at Taemin and his infamous big mouth. I should not tell him about my deepest secret because basically, Taemin had the tendency to slip out every important secret here and there.

"Someone? Happy?" She looked confused. "Who?"

God, please had mercy on me. She was so cute when she did that.

"Well, actually it isn't someone but everyone." Taemin gave me a quick glance as if he was saying 'don't be such a pussy, dude' and winked. "Because everyone like you, especially Jong‒" I stepped on his foot and he jumped slightly on his spot. "‒uh, Jonghyun."

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