Chapter 6

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The boys and I decided to go to a diner on the other side of town. We all hustled in the vacant building and sat down filling a booth with a view of a few stores out the window. We all skimmed through the menu and told the waitress (which Paul was staring at) that we wanted a order of fish and chips for all of us to share. We made stupid jokes and laughed at each other until our food came. Which we hogged that down in a few minutes. George ate the most out of all of us. I don't understand how such a small young man can eat so much.

We paid, and waddled out of there, bellies full, and Paul winking at the waitress on the way out.And we decided to go back to John's house.
We hauled into John's,quite beautiful, home and trampled all over each other to get to our own comfortable spot on a sofa, and sat giggling up a storm at nothing of the sort.

Then a older woman walking in, looking as old, if not older than my mother, sweeping the floor and along the way, dusting the long shelf of knick-knacks right above her.
"Hello boys." She mumbled.
Paul and George said 'hello' back and went back to their horsing around, and giggling. The woman sighed, and went back to her work. Then she turned around and looked at me,"Now who might you be?" She asked.
"I'm Lil Myers. And you are....?"I questioned.
"Mimi Smith. John's aunt." She answered.
"Oh yeah John told me about you." I smiled.
She nodded and went back to her work.
She reminds me of my dad before he got sick.
Come to think of it, where is John?
I asked Paul and George. They shrugged, so we went upstairs to look for him. We went down a long hallway. "JOHNNY BOYYYY!" Paul shouted.

Then we finally came to a room filled with the sound of guitar music.
He was sitting on his bed strumming away at his acoustic,with a very serious look on his face.
I knock on the door frame, he freezes, and looks up at Paul,George, and I.
He chuckles.
"Sorry, came in here and got distracted." He laughs off.
"That was a pretty neat song it sounded like you were working on there Johnny." Paul said.
"Yup. Just something I've been working on, maybe play it at our next couple of gigs after tomorrow."
Paul nods, intrigued.
George plops on the bed beside John, picking up his songwriting book, and examining it closely.
I look at the clock on John's wall.
"Crap! I have to go!" I said grabbing my jacket.
The boys said 'goodbye' to me I ran down the stairs almost running into Mimi.
"Goodbye! Thank you for your hospitality!" I waved opening the door.
She smiled at me as I hustled out the door.
And I ran down the vacant street.

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