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5 years later

"How does it feel to have ruled for five years?" Parker asked with a laugh, resting his feet up on the coffee table.

"Unreal." I said simply. "Thank you for letting me hide out here."

"No problem, cousin." Parker grinned. "Just as long as we don't have any national security issues."

"My whereabouts is not public knowledge. There are plenty of security guys disguised around here." I laughed, stretching out across the couch. "New York is such a lovely place."

"Says the girl who lives in a castle." Parker scoffed.

"Well you could too if you weren't so dumb." I rolled my eyes, looking down at my phone.

I ignored the text from Jessica, turning the phone over.

"Sorry that I actually want to have a normal life before you kick the bucket." Parker stuck his tongue out at me.

"Sorry that I actually have no choice in my lifestyle." I stuck my tongue out right back at him.

"Classy. Royal material over here." Parker rolled his eyes.

"That's me." I teased, pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders as I rolled onto my side. "Let's order Chinese takeout. Or pizza. How about both?" I said excitedly.

"Careful there, Queenie." Parker snorted, shaking his head. "You're here for two weeks, I will not send you back to Castello with ten extra pounds from bingeing on takeout."

"But I never get to eat good shit..." I whined.

"Boo hoo." Parker said sarcastically.

"The bitch dumped me!" A voice yelled at the door.

My skin tingled at the familiar voice sending electricity through my heart as I visibly shivered.

"Shit." Parker whispered, gaging my reaction but not doing anything yet.

"Do something." I hissed, my eyes wide.

He lunged up from the chair, throwing another blanket over my head before running away from the couch.

"Seriously?" I snapped, trying to make myself invisible.

"OJ why are you home?" Parker asked in shock. "You said you were going to be in Florida for the next two weeks."

"Literally we're at the airport ready to get on the flight and she looks at me and says it's not working out." Oliver said harshly, setting something down. "Sorry that I didn't have time to call you in advance to tell you about my life failures."

"Well you could've sent me a text to say you were on your way home, I mean I was expecting to be-"

"Yeah you know what I'm sorry that I didn't immediately call you when my entire proposal plan was ruined." Oliver said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And you know what story was playing on the TV? Some bullshit about Scarlett and that stuck up asshole she's engaged to."

"Well actually..." Parker laughed softly.

"What, Parker. What." Oliver snapped.

"OJ, chill, okay? And that relationship is over, weren't you watching the story?" Parker laughed, sounding extremely amused at the irony of the situation.

The air underneath the blanket was getting too warm and stuffy. I'd have to emerge for fresh air soon.

"Hell no." Oliver said harshly, sitting down on the couch at my feet.

My eyes widened.

"Why would I voluntarily watch something about her. I'll keep my sanity, thank you very much." Oliver sighed before letting out a groan. "God dammit."

Parker let out a sigh and the room fell into silence.

I tried not to move, wondering if Oliver had any idea at all that I was so close to him. Literally on the same couch.

"Okay well here's the thing." Parker said slowly. "Scarlett and Robert just ended their engagement and she sort of needed a place to crash... And since you were going to be gone for two weeks, I sort of offered her the guest room..."

"Fuck, yeah whatever I'll be out of here before she gets here." Oliver sighed. "Sorry man."

"Um..." Parker trailed off. "Well she's sort of uh... Under those blankets." Parker mumbled.

I pushed the blanket off of my face, offering a cheesy smile.

"Sorry that you'll lose your sanity at the sight of me." I sighed, sitting up. "I'll leave if you want."

Oliver just looked at me, a dumbfounded expression on his face as if he couldn't quite comprehend what he was looking at.

My breath was literally taken away as my eyes took in the sight I hadn't seen in five years.

He had a little bit of a beard, the hair thick and rich brown, matching his hair almost perfectly.

His shoulders had gotten shockingly wider and his face was way more defined than in high school.

His eyes were exactly the same, however, staring into mine with such confused intensity right now that it made my stomach flip.

I felt like my seventeen year old self again for a moment.

Forget everything I've become in the past five years, I felt like a damn school girl with a crush.

"Yeah, uh, hey." Oliver said, suddenly ruining the silent moment between the two of us.

I cleared my throat, sitting up straighter as I remembered just who I was.

"So things didn't really work out with the model?" I asked quietly, raising my eyebrows.

Oliver let out a laugh, shaking his head. "No, things didn't work out with the model. I'm assuming the same with the Prince?"

"Not exactly my type." I shook my head as well, unable to stop the small smile that spread on my face.

"I know the feeling." Oliver nodded, his face mirroring my smile.

I just nodded.

"Sometimes it's just not the right time for things."

"Even if those things could've been actually really great." Oliver agreed, his eyes not breaking contact with mine.

Was this the fresh start I'd been hoping for since high school?

Isn't it true what they always say, that the people who you're meant to be with will always find a way back to you?

"Right well if you're done writing some dumb cliche ending to a romance movie, can we figure out what we're doing for dinner?" Parker asked with an exasperated sigh.

Did Oliver know that one day I still hoped he'd be my King? (both figuratively and literally). 

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