Chapter 19: All In, Baby

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Chapter 19

When my grandmother told me that she'd gotten sick, I expected it to be as fast and as painful as with my mother.

Within a few months of my mother's diagnosis, we were at her funeral and I was faced with the daunting task of being next to the throne.

When my grandmother told me that she was sick like my mom, that's what I imagined. I imagined lots of tense doctors appointments, lots of quiet nights while my mom was too sick to do anything and my dad didn't leave her side, and a lot of tension around everything.

So in a way, I think my attempt to get close to Oliver had been my way of trying to distance myself from the family at that time. Because I just couldn't watch someone go through that again.

And as the end of October rolled around, things seemed to be going exactly as I'd expected.

Oliver and I broke up, which was inevitable, and he found out the big secret I'd been keeping from him.

My grandmother was getting sicker, and national security was being tightened.

Parker and I were almost always under security detail when we weren't at school.

And the rules were getting a lot tighter as the weather turned into winter.

But then in the middle of November, after two weeks of me doing absolutely nothing but simply wait, things started to change.

On a Friday morning, I got a call from my dad, telling me that there was nothing going on in Castello this weekend so I could stay at the house in California.

And then there was a news headline of my grandmother in public, laughing, and looking healthier than ever.

With the information that I'd have the house to myself all weekend, I intended to call Jessica and see if she could come in for the weekend.

But as the school day ended and I was walking outside with Parker, we were suddenly interrupted by a very angry and upset Oliver.

"What the hell do you think you're doing quitting the team?" Oliver asked harshly, standing right in front of Parker.

Parker let out a sigh, pushing his hair back from his face.

"Nice to see you too, OJ." Parker said softly.

Oliver kept his shoulders squared as he stared my cousin down.

"You do know that you are guaranteed a full ride to any college of your desire because you're that damn good so why the hell are you throwing it away and quitting the team?" Oliver asked seriously, crossing his arms.

Parker let out another sigh, glancing at me.

I just stayed silent, not wanting to be sucked into the conversation.

But Parker was my ride home, so I had to stay.

"The sport is too dangerous and my grandmother doesn't want me at risk." Parker sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Your grandmother?" Oliver raised his eyebrows. "The one who's Queen? What the hell, she doesn't have any power over you in the states."

I let out a laugh, shaking my head.

"She does, actually." Parker sighed. "It's fine, I'll still go to college as long as this one doesn't die." He said, pointing to me.

"Excuse me?" Oliver asked in shock.

"It was a lame joke, ignore him." I said, glancing at Parker.

Oliver just nodded.

"Uh, Scarlett, can I uh, talk to you?" Oliver asked quietly, running his hand through his hair.

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