Cookies, Weasel?

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Ron nods his head and smiles, "They were, I'm kind of glad they aren't together though. Luna and her make a better couple than her and Harry ever would have. Who'da guessed Lovegood would have the hots for my sister?"

"She doesn't just have the hots for her, they're totally in love with each other." Hermione smiles and hits his shoulder. They grab the floo power and face their fireplace.

"Number 13, Harrison Avenue!" Hermione clutches Ron's hand and they step out of the place.

"We're a bit early now that I think of it." Hermione swats his arm and calls out for Harry.

They hear a plate clatter and the sound of music coming in from the kitchen. The house being decently sized they probably hadn't heard them calling. Ron leads the way. Harry said he'd be gone until five thirty, it is five right now.

The music gets slightly louder.

"What kind of music is this? I've never heard it."

"Muggle, I wouldn't doubt you've never heard it." Hermione says slightly mockingly.

Draco hears someone talking and sets the trays down with a thud. It must be Harry, he turns back around and checks the cookies in the oven. Almost done. He can hear male talking. Definitely Harry. The timer dings and he opens the oven door. He hears the sound of the door creaking open and lifts the cookies out.

"MALFOY?!" Draco nearly drops the sheet when Ron shrieks behind him. The sheet clatters against the metal bars and he quickly grabs them out before they burn. He sets them on the counter before turning and staring at the weasel. He turns off the music wandlessly.

"Weasley." Draco says indifferently, it's a lie. On the inside he's screaming, Ron'll hex him. He knows it. Why are they here so early? They weren't supposed to be here for another hour.

"What are you doing here?! In Harry's house?!" Draco rolls his eyes at Ron's rushed words. That boy sure is insane.

Draco stares at the cookies waiting for them to cool before moving them onto a cooling rack he'd just accioed over. He finally glances back at the weasel and the girl, Hermione's face is riddled with confusion. Ron's is just well, just stupid as ever, but now with a more intensified version of Hermione's expression.

"Baking cookies, what does it look like?" He ignores the second part of the question, instead replacing the second sheet in the oven.

"But? You're still in Harry's house? Shouldn't you be at your own house? Are you and Harry friends now? Or are those poisonous and you're plotting to kill him?"

"Kill him? Who do you think I am? Cookie, Weasel? These are anything but poisonous." To prove his point he takes a bite of the cookie and stares at the man.

"Why are you avoiding certain questions, Malfoy?" Hermione questions and watches as Draco eats a hot cookie. He chews it and looks at his feet before snapping his gaze upwards. He rolls his eyes and leans back on the countertop. Now thinking about it, he's not even changed out of his pajamas.

"Wow, you two really are thick. I live here." Draco smirks at Ron's face. Ron's face is filled with confusion, more than last time.

"You live here with Harry and his fiancée?" Hermione questions looking as confused as her husband. Draco just sighs, where is Harry when you need him?

"Cookie?" He places some on a plate, avoiding Hermione's question and instead listening to Ron's grumbling stomach. Ron quickly takes one, staring at Draco before taking a bite and nodding in satisfaction.

Draco smiles and takes a second cookie. Ron glares at him and snatches two more cookies from the plate.

"Why are you avoiding questions? How's it like living with the lovebirds? Never thought you and Harry would be friends. What's she like? Are you going to stay here when they get married?" Ron finally asks after his fifth cookie.

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