Meister! Gladion x Pre-named! Weapon! Reader "That's Amore"

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Summary: He couldn't, rather than could, help himself whenever he said something dumb around her, even when he knew he loved her.

A/N---Hey everyone, thanks for the two votes, enjoy this X Reader. Reader is 15, Gladion is 16. On with the story~!!!! :D 

"Why bother with her, she's so dense minded, she can't even understand  being told hello."  The same miserable thought crossed his mind.  He was one of those who was eating sour grapes, some would suppose. That was pretty much plausible enough to be the case with him. The recipient of his love, being none other than Majinko Himura, the school idol, and also, his weapon. He couldn't, rather than could, help himself whenever he said something dumb around her, even when he knew he loved her. That's amore, for some people. Majinko on the other hand, she held love aplenty for her friends and family, but for him? She saved the most cherished love of all for him. She was the kind of lass that played hard to get, it would seem. She carried herself with grace and a strong credence in compassion, he trudged across the courtyard with the grace of a diseased giraffe and kept reliance on strength. Gladion was inaccurately nicknamed, 'Pulverizer II', due to how he beat the hell out of those who spread rumors about Majinko being a 'devil child', after all, he was the nephew of Marie Mjolnir, now currently known as Marie Stein.

He was a rebel, she was a goodie two shoes, it would never  work. Them? Together? Impossible! Or was it? No one was entirely sure. He honestly couldn't bear his own conscience's constant nagging to tell her how he truly felt, for much longer... With the help of deathscythe, and ladies man extraordinaire, Spirit Albarn, he planned the perfect way  to confess to the love of his life. He would tell her he loved her on top of the school roof, the plan was inimitable, unsurpassed even. What could get in the way of his success? A little thing called anxiety. The time had come, his plan was falling into place, he had anticipated this part of the day, he sure as hell hoped he didn't come off as a nervous wreck in any of his classes. He especially hoped he didn't seem like a jerk for avoiding her and then punching Black*Star in the face for challenging him to a fight. Oh no-----She didn't look too happy when she stood there on the roof, a look of slight anger creeping upon her face. When he finally came into her view, she exploded. "Why the hell have you been avoiding me!? What has gotten into you, Glad? I haven't heard from you all day!" A brief look of astonishment graced his features, then, a look of anger, all aimed at himself, took form after. It then turned into a look of desolation, tears welling up in his emerald colored eyes. "I...I...I'm sorry, It's just that....You mean the world to me, If it weren't for you, I'd still be alone, I love you, goddamn it. And If I have to hear another bastard call you a devil child, I'll beat them into oblivion! Please do the honors of being my girlfriend!" He shouted. This was totally out of character for him, Gladion, the rebel meister of the DWMA, being turned to a blushing tear-stained mess of a man, all courtesy of Majinko's gorgeous mien, and darling charm.

The sweet sound of giggles serenaded the blonde meister's ears, a smile adorning the scythe girl's visage. She beamed at him, answering his declaration of love, with an "Of course, ya big lug!" A smirk appeared on his face, he grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her into his embrace, brushing his fingers against the underside of her chin, his face inches away from hers, suddenly breaking the distance and crashing his lips against her own. He pulled away, pink dusting the tips of his ears, the blush further spreading across his face. She couldn't help but grin at his embarrassment, it was adorable! That's amore for some people. Good old fashioned amore! 

A/N---- How was that for my first Gladion x Reader, give me a review in the comments, hope you enjoyed this! Buh-Bye~!!!! :D

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