Chapter 4

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Joshua Tate and I met about six months ago at a benefit to raise money for sick children whose family couldn't afford the mounting hospital bills and the expensive medications some of the children needed. We talked a lot about our jobs and the stress of them, we talked about football and all sorts of other topics.

 I felt really comfortable around him so we talked for a while and he asked me out for drinks the next day and we have been together since. Joshua is CEO of a billion dollar chain of hotels all over the world. He is always flying to other cities and countries trying to expand their hotel chain. It was easy to talk to Joshua no awkward feelings between us.

On our first date we went to a football game the Dallas Cowboys against the New York Giants. I had a ball, Dallas is my favorite team and they smashed the Giants 27-17 it was one of the best times in my life.  Josh drove me home and I invited him in for a drink, but he declined saying he was too attracted to me to go inside and he didn't want us to start having a sexual relationship until we knew each other better. He got out and came around and opened my door and helped me out of the car.

After I came out of my stupor, I thanked for a wonderful first date then I walked up the stairs to my apartment looked back and waved as I pulled my keys from my purse.  Even though I enjoyed my self when I finally came out of my stupor I don't believe he turned down my invitation .  I went to find my cell phone and call my bestie Jessica. Jessica and I have been friends since elementary school and I love her like a sister. I had to have someone to talk to or I was going to lose my mind. 

I picked up the phone and dialed her number before it could ring twice Jess was on the line.

"Jess OMG you won't believe it when I tell you this."

"What is it girl, you know I love good gossip." 

"I went out with Josh tonight and we had a blast.  We went to a football game an I loved every minute of it.  I'm still buzzing from the fun we had.  But that's not what I called to tell you.

Tuesday night my phone rang and it was after midnight. The voice on the other end was deep, sexy and raw. They even knew my name so it started to freak me out, because I didn't know who it was."

"Well did you ask who it was?"

"Yes I asked who it was and the voice said to me 'I see you have forgotten about me.' I nearly pissed on myself when I actually realized who it was."

"Who was it Josh?"

"No it was you believe that shit? I was pissed after almost a year of crying, losing weight, and being depressed he calls out of the blue wanting us to get back together. He must be out of his rabbit ass mind to think I'm going to go through all of that again."

Are you serious Tris? Where has he been all this time? Not once did he call you, write to you or even sent you a message on facebook."

"I know, now he's back hoping we can work things out. I told him I wasn't interested in getting back together just for him to run off again and I go through the same mess again."

"Good for you, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself don't tell me anymore I'm coming over."

"Ok, I'll tell you the rest when you get here."

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang so I went to open the door and I saw a grinning Jess standing at my door.  I let her in and proceeded to tell her the rest of the story.

" Jess, he came to my office and invited me to go to lunch with him, at first I said no. He told me if I still felt the way that I did, he would respect that, but he wouldn't stop trying to get us back together. I did the only thing I knew to do was to go to lunch and then let him know my feelings hadn't changed. After work I came home showered and changed and there was a knock at the door, I went to answer the door and it was a delivery man and he was cute standing there with a bouquet of flowers. I signed for them and there was a card inside now read this."

I handed the card to Jess as she read her eye were a big as saucers. She handed the card back to me and I could see the anger in her eyes. I've been friends with Jess for ever and she scared the shit out of me with her wild eyes.

"He can't be serious? He's got a lot of nerve first for popping up hoping you would take him back then for showing up at your job and here's the kicker he sent you flowers trying to woo you into taking him back. I should wait for him to come by tomorrow and kick his ass myself...ugh the nerve of that asswhole."

"Calm down Jess he's wrong if he thinks he can wine and dine me and I go running back to him. I know I can't go back to him, but it hit me when I saw him today, I couldn't help feeling that same pull in my belly as I did when we were together. He looked so handsome and fuckable and still his eyes mesmerized me. The way he stood in the door with his wide shoulders the way his shirt fit across his broad chest and his biceps have definitely gotten bigger. Jess I just couldn't keep my eyes off of his strong leg and thighs and not feel myself wanting to jump him right in my office.  I just don't know what to do, I just don't want to make the same mistake twice. Maybe I should go to dinner and hear him out."

"Ok is that's what you want to do, just don't be too quick to forgive him and don't let him persuade you giving you those looks with those deep dimples and his smile. You were always a sucker for those dimples. I'm with you a hundred percent no matter what you decide to do."

"Thanks sweetie, I know you love me and just want what's best for me."

"Yes I do, but I want you to be happy too. If you think talking to Kyle and letting him explain himself, then do what you need to do. Are you going to talk to Josh about this?

"I momentarily lost me shit, I forgot about Josh, how the hell can I explain to him what's going on with Kyle?"

"You be open and honest with him, he'll understand. Listen sweet pea, I gotta be running along, got a date with that sexy ass man of mine."

"Is this the new flavor of the week."

"Nope I think this is the one.  I'll talk with you later, call me and let me know how everything went."

I walked Jess to the door and gave her a hug and she walked out the door her cell phone rang, and she happily bounced down the stairs and to her car got in and drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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