Chapter 1

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It was after midnight when my phone rang jolting me out of my sleep.  Thank the Lord I wasn't a heavy sleeper or I wouldn't have heard the phone at all.

"Hello" my sleepy voice answered.

"Yes this is Trista, who's this?"

The voice on the other side of the line was husky and low.  I had no clue who it could be and I was beginning to get very agitated.  I didn't recognize the voice on the other end of the phone and it was too damn late for games.

"Who is this?"  I began to get even more agitated with whoever was on the other side of the line.  The caller just cleared his throat and said in a low cynical voice.

"I see you have forgotten me."

I began to choke after I realized who's voice was on the other side of the line.

"Kyle, is that you?"

"Yes Trista it's me, did I wake you?"

"Ah no, I just got in the bed" lying to him when I have been in bed for the last hour asleep.

"Sorry to call so late, but I just got in town and I wanted to hear your voice.  You don't know how much I've missed you."

"Oh really?"  I said feeling my blood pressure start to rise.

"You have a lot of nerve calling me at almost 1:00 in the morning talking about you wanted to hear my voice.  If you loved hearing my voice so much you wouldn't have bolted on me when things got serious and then leave a stupid letter saying good-bye.  Really want do you want Kyle?"

"You...Trista, I want you.  I've missed you these last few months and I realize I was being a coward when I left with just a letter addressed to you."

"Well I'm glad you have figured things out, but it's too late for us."

"Don't say that , we can work things out.  I still love you and you know you still love me too."  Kyle said voicing straining to keep the pain out of his voice.

"Yeah Kyle I did love you, but you walked out on us and I can't forget that and I'm not sure if I can forgive you for that.  When you left and I read your letter, my world fell apart and you didn't even care about how I felt, you just ran."

"Listen I know you are angry, hurt and confused about things, but I know we can work through this, just give me a chance that's all I'm asking is just a chance.

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