Chapter 2

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I was in a fog all day, I couldn't believe that Kyle has come back to Atlanta talking about he still loves me, that's bullshit.  I sat in my office going over some figures from a report I needed to complete when a knock came to the door.  I called to whoever it was to come in, the door slowly opened and in walked Kyle.  I opened my mouth, but quickly shut it back when he walked in the office.  There he stood all 6'2" of him standing there looking oh so good, just like I remembered.  I tried to speak again, but my words got choked in my throat forming a lump I couldn't swallow.  God he looked so delicious with those big brown eyes and his cocoa colored skin I remember caressing at night when we made love...wait what the hell...why am I thinking about sex at this particular moment, I'm not supposed to be lusting after him especially since he's the one that walked out on me.

"Hello Trista, how are you?"

Ah, um Kyle what are you doing here?  I don't recall me asking you to drop by."

" I know I just wanted to see you and perhaps take you out to lunch."

"Ok, you've seen me and now you can leave."

"Trista give me a chance to explain myself.  I need to tell you the real reason I left."

"Kyle, what is there for you to tell me about you leaving that I don't already know?"

"It's complicated, but right now I just want to take you out and we talk.  I know that's asking a lot of you, but you have to believe me I really still love you Trista and I'll get you back, I'll get us back, but you have to give me a chance."

"You can't come barging back into my life asking for another opportunity to shatter my heart, once was enough.  I don't think that a good idea for us to go to lunch."

"Please Trista just lunch, we don't have to talk about us.  Please have lunch with me and if you still feel that there is no chance I will have to respect that, but it doesn't mean I'm going to give up on us."

Seeing that he wasn't going to give up I agreed to lunch with him.  I already knew deep down inside I didn't really want to work things out with him, it hurt too much to try again just to deal with the same heartache again.

"Lets get going, I heard lunch time here was a beast."

I looked up at him and I could see a set of deep dimples as he smiled at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

Lord help me those brown eyes and dimples are going to drive me crazy.

"Ok I'm ready." I said as I rose to put on my suit jacket on before grabbing my purse out of my desk drawer.

We went to a nearby sandwich shop we sat down and the waitress came to our table to get our drink order.  I ordered sweet tea and Kyle ordered the same.  After the waitress took our drink orders we perused down the menu and I decided on a half tuna sandwich with vegetable soup.  Kyle ordered a BLT and a cup of chicken noodle soup.

In my head I was trying to avoid the pink elephant in the room, but I couldn't think of a safe topic oh crap Kyle beat me to it.

"So Trista how have you been?"

"I've been doing great, what about you?"

"Hanging in there, I'm in the process of moving back to Atlanta for my new position in the company I work for."

"Oh, oh, um I didn't know you were coming back to Atlanta, I thought you may have been here to see your mother. 

I felt all the pain I felt when he left rush back to me. I needed to protect myself and my heart from this man to keep from enduring heartbreak again.  I didn't realize I had zoned out until I saw fingers snapping in front of my face.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry I guess I zoned out for a minute."

Kyle looked at me suspiciously, but didn't say anything else.  Our lunch came and we talked about simple things like our jobs, the weather that sort of thing, neither one of us wanted to broach the subject of our past.  We ate in comfortable silence and was I ever grateful for that.

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