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AN: I don't really have much to say, besides the possibility of a double update and slightly bitchy Niall?

Anyone else get tired of seeing ads after chapters in stories? I understand writers trying to get their coin but ads pop up like after every freaking chapter :/

Again I found myself at square one with Niall.

The constant; avoiding me, eye contact, and conversation when we were alone, which wasn't very often because he never allowed for it to happen unless we were sitting with our friends and they left for a brief moment and when they did, It was always me trying start conversation. But he'd give me this look and I'd stop talking.

I just don't understand how we came to this. Okay I do understand how we got here but I don't understand how we let it get to this point.

How I let it get to this point.

I could barely remember the solidarity we once had, but what little of it that I could grasp, which was very minimal, as I said before. I can't lie, his words last night hit me. Well punched me. How he sounded so– over it, hoe he sounded like he'd moved past me and how he sounded like he'd already accepted living his life without me in it. It truly prickled at my heart, making me feel like my heart had sunken into my stomach.

Which is why I wasn't going to let him block me out.

I was gonna take every chance I could to implement my role in his life the best I could. To show him, that nothing has to change between us, show him we could still be friends. But there was this poison, this one suffocating toxin, this parasitic leech, this uncommon denominator, this nuisance, this hinderance, the absolute bane of my existence- Julian. He was everywhere, there was no such thing as catching Niall alone an you would think; 'Oh don't you guy's live right next door to each other just go over and see him', I went over there, and knocked on the door and it answered. He was like 'Haribo' in such an obnoxious way, pronouncing every syllable, all the while i'm trying to understand why he's answering a door to a house that isn't his. He's only been in the picture for a week and change, they can't be that close. I asked to speak to Niall and he was all like, 'I don't think he wants to see you right now' believe me when I say, I bit my tongue to stop a string of curses from falling out of my mouths and it was like holding five cinderblocks. So I just stepped back and took a breath, and asked him to tell Niall that I stopped by and that he should text me.

He said ok.

And I said ok.

And he said ok.

And I said ok.

And he went to open his mouth but I turned around and started walking away before he could.

'Bye Haribo.' He called after me in a singsong voice.

'Bye asshole.' I muttered.

It irked me more than ever than he'd rather be around that- that- imbecile. That he'd rather talk to him, then talk to me. All I wanted was my best friend.

But he didn't want me anymore or anything to do with me for that matter. 


Now we're here, at lunch, and Niall's sitting across from me and I swear it's just to spite me. He's bumped my leg more than once now, and every time he'd look at me with those- gleaming blue eyes, that I grown so accustomed to and now he it was like he was keeping them from me, letting me know that I couldn't have them, that they weren't for me anymore. But he'd look at me and his eyes would meet mine and they'd linger, and he'd mumble a small 'sorry' before his eyes flicked away from mine.

Just Friends | Narry | DiscontinuedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin