We have been around for a very long time. We know a lot. We cannot be stupid.

"All the time in the world means nothing if you don't do anything with it. You can't learn from things you haven't done."

You are smart, like us.

"How about you just shut up? I've had a very traumatic morning so far and you're only making this whole thing worse."

I wheel out of my room and out to the front of the apartment, positioning myself in front of the TV as well as I can with the couch in the way.

The front door opens and MJ appears with two takeaway coffees and a large paper bag that smells heavenly.

"Hey. I know Big Belly doesn't have the healthiest menu out there, and it's not exactly a good idea to eat this sort of thing for breakfast, but I woke up half an hour ago and I'm too tired to cook. Besides, the cook at Big Belly's owes me a whole bunch of favours." MJ says, and I try to hide my excitement; I haven't had Big Belly's yet, but I've wanted to since the moment I realised which world I'm in.

"Thanks, MJ." I offer her a small smile and she gladly returns it, putting the food on the coffee table and grabbing the TV remote off the cabinet underneath the big, blank screen.

"Netflix?" MJ has this knowing look on her face that I guess means I like Netflix. So maybe Cara and I aren't so different after all.


MJ and I have been watching movies all morning, only stopping for toilet breaks and snack refills. I'm still in my pyjamas, and MJ's in a pair of sweats and a tank top. Both of us are comfortable and for a while, I manage to feel like I'm back in my world, in my house, with my life.

A loud knock on my front door startles both MJ and me, and I quickly pause our movie before wheeling over to the door cautiously. Intense movies have me on edge.

"Open it." MJ whispers loudly, hiding behind a pillow. I roll my eyes; sure, send the cripple to let the possible serial killer in.

Hesitantly, I open the door. A man is standing there, arms folded across his chest comfortably.

"Hey, Cara. Good to see you. I'll probably swing by for a proper catch-up another time, but I just wanted to let you know that it's fine if you want to get a dog. I understand that everything's been hard lately, and I'm okay with you having a pet as long as it's toilet trained and it doesn't disturb any neighbours." Obviously, this is the guy that owns the building.

"Uh, thanks." I say quietly.

"No problem. I'll call your brother about that catch-up later. Good to see ya." He says, then turns and leaves. I stare after him in silence, sort of confused and sort of not really sure what to think of that one-sided conversation.

"Hey Cara, I think we need to get more snacks anyway. Wanna go now while the movie's paused?" MJ asks as I start to turn back around. I shrug.

"Sure, why not?" I say, grabbing my purse off the shelf by the door and making sure I still have Cara's mobile in the side pocket of my wheelchair.

"I'll lock up for you." MJ takes my keys off the hook by the door and I move into the hallway, waiting for her to lock the door for me. I'm actually glad she's doing it; I can't reach the highest of the three locks.

MJ and I leave our apartment building in silence, and I continue to ignore Robin as it follows closely. We arrive at a little convenience store a few blocks from home and MJ goes in. I tell her I'm going to the pet shop next door.

Wolfgang is coming.

I pick up Cara's phone and press it to my ear as I've grown accustomed to doing when talking to Robin in public.

"Coming? I've given Ben an excuse, and I'm allowed to have him, so why isn't he here?"

He is coming.

"Fine, I'll humour you. Where is he coming from?"

Someplace else.

"You are just the nicest, most cooperative person, huh?"

We are not a person.

"I was being sarcastic."

You are still angry.

"Really? What could've ever given you that idea?"

We do not like sarcasm.

"Whatever. I'm going back to MJ."

I put the phone away and wheel back to the front of the convenience store. MJ comes out with two plastic bags of food just as I arrive.

Convenient timing.

Oh god, it's trying to be funny.

"Let's get back to that movie!"

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now