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Chapter 2

It was late in the evening after Aurora's visit to the Mendle family home. Ms Mendle was pacing back and fourth in front of the hearth with her arms folded waiting for husband to get home.

Mable walked in the door with tears rolling down her face. "Momma," she said , " I was just talking to Ms Bear and she... " Mable trailed off when she notice the worried expression on her mothers face. Ms Mendle stared at her daughter with a look of concern. She knew that Orcus and Mable where in love. You could see it in their eyes when they looked at one another. She knew what a toll this was taking on her daughter. She also knew what was at stake. Her daughters saftey.

"Mable Ann, I know. Aurora came and spoke with me today. I was waiting on your father to get home and we were going to speak with the cheif and Maria personally. I know the feelings you share with Orcus, and i know that your saftey is at stake. But, Mable your father and i took this on upon ourselvers when we took you in as our daughter. Fear not, i have this under control do you understand?"

"Yes, momma. i uderstand." Mable said with sadness in her tone.

"Good, now go to your room and clean yourself up . We have people to impress." Ms Mandle said hopefully.

Mable went upstairs and proceeded to get ready for what was unknowingly the best worst day of her life.

Ms Mandle walked onto the front porch of their small cabin home. "There you are. Are you aware of what's going on. She know's and look at what she is doing you know she cant truely be with us if she chooses to go against it. Mable needs this marraiage. He's her love with them not together we cant do the ceramony and Mable wont survive what is to come."

"I know May. I agree, It has to be Aurora, she is the only one i know of that it could be dear. I think its time. We tell them in the morning, everything. Maria will understand and remeber to consult the councel. We will do it. It has already been decided."John said "should we leave. or possibly just go back home, to our own century." May said " John, they weren't certain of what happened if this occurred, we still have a chance up until that ceramony happens.

" I would rather watch our children grow old and whither away before I let them go when their future is unknow. " said John as her walked off toward the barn and pulled Lac , his horse right behind him.

"I hope you're right."May said quietly as she ran into the house to grab the two things she would need the most, her mothers grimorar and her children. She knew the fued that would errupt next would send all the deminsions into a full out war.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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