Untitled Part

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I know what you're thinking that you know the story of the boogieman. A scary monster who hides in the shadows. He can turn into anything they say. He can transform into the chair with the jacket drapped across it in the corner of them room. Hiding deep into the showdows of the darkness.You know nothing. Boogie, as we call him, was not infact a monster

hiding in the shadows of the night, transforming into jackets and stuffed animals left laying in the floor undeneath your bed. Boogie is not the thing that goes bump in the night. He's not a monster whom punishes children that misbehave, like your parents have told you to get you mind. No all of that is a secreat, used to cover up something much more sinister than your nightmares have lead you to believe life can be. Here let me start from the begining.

The year is 1835 A.D. The Mendle family had discovered a new land. A land claimed ,as far as the could tell, only by the Kros.The kros were a group of witches and warlock. They were powerful. The used nature as the power source. They feed off of it. The Mendle family and the Bears family had come over from sentailin to escape the witch trials in the native land. The learned from the Kros. The Kros learned from them. They taught each other hunting, medicine, magic , potions, cooking and much more. The lived there in the small settlement together. The kros, the mendles, and the bears. Able was the oldest of the Mendle children, she was sixteen years old, with dark brown hair that flood down her back like a muddy stream from the mountain tops. She spent her days with her sisters doing chores and tending to the house while her father hunted with Mr Bear and David, the oldest of the bear children, as well as the Kros men. Her mother spent her days doing protection spells for the men and the settlement. Ms Mendle had a dark feeling. A feeling that could make the devils soul twitch with worry and fear. She feared that the worst was laying just ahead of her family and she was willing to do anything and everything in her power to keep whatever it was from getting to her children. She could feel it in the air. She could feel it from the dark deminsion. Something was coming, something dark and evil. And it was coming for Able.

Ms mendle was worrying beyound anyone except a mothers capability. She knew exactly what she must do. She had to find protection. Someone or something willing to give its life for Ables. Ms Mendle got up from her seat by the fire and walked over to the window of the small cabin the familes used on full moons.She looked out the window and saw Able outside walking with orcus one of the Kros boys about the same age as Able. Orcus was a shadow bender, the only in the settlement. He was the most powerful warlock in the settlement.

He was a living lendgend. Like quiet literaly, so far he was Marias Chosen one. Maria was the chiefs wife. She controlled everything. If you wanted to be married you went threw her, if you wanted to build onto your home she had to approve it. Ms Mendle watche Able and Orcus as the walked together talking and giggling while Able played with her hair. She was sixteen years old. Plenty old enough to date and settle down with a husband, although her father would probably disagree. Orcus's wife would share his power. She would be considered royalty in the small settlement. She would be safe and proteted from everything.

Ms Mendle caught a glimpse of Aurora. Mr bears wife. She was watching the two children as well, shaking her head with a look of pure hate and disaproveale . She knew Aurora and John Bear wanted Able to wed thier David. She shuttered at the fact her daughter settling with a herbalist witch/shape shifter. No, David could not protect her family, not like Orcus would.

"Momma, what are you doing in here? Theres people at the door of the cabin." Ellie said busting threw the door and panting for breath.

"I'm coming dear, " said Ms Mendle wiping her hands on her apron and walking towards the door to see whom was at the cabin. She walk out of the door and instantly noticed the farm was quiet. The Mendle family owned 100 head of cattle, 50 chickens, ten horses and three dogs as well as the ten children who were just seconds ago playing in the yard . The quiet didn't set well with her. Everything in her being was telling her to turn around and run, but her curosity was clouding her judgement she proceeded to the cabin.

"Ah, Ms Mendle, Lovely evening we are having." Said Aurora with a smile sliding across her smug face.

"Yes, it Ms Bear, can i help you with anything?" Said Ms Mendle as she walked toward her friendemie.

"I was wanting to share the good news with our neighbors." Said Aurora. The look on her face was turning rather grim.

"New? I haven't caught wind of any gossip latly. Would you care for a cup of tea?" She said holding the door open inviting Aurora inside.

"Um, No thank you, i have so much planning to do, i just don't think i can make the time today.You see Alia is to be wed in four moons to Orcus! Their power joining ceramony will be shortly after." Aurora knew the news would strike a nerve and unravel the thread in Ms Mendles quilt of life.

"oh, well congradulations, if you need any help with planning or cooking, please don't hesitate to ask." Ms Mendle said trying her best to hold back the anger she felt inside and struggling to control her power.

"Have a lovely day," Aurora said as she smiled and walked off with Her daughter Alia following closely on her heals. Aurora was an awful women. She wanted the Kros and The Bears to join their families together and join there power. She knew Kros powers were still not fully know or understood. She knew he was capable of traveling through the demintions as well as able to create his own. It was a power she longed to have. A perfect world in a perfect demintion was what she craved. Full control and power beyound your dreams. She was willing to do anything to make it happen including using her dimwhit daughter to do her evil biding. She would marry Orcus herself except that pitiful fool John was still breathing. Maybe the time would soon come when something could be done about that.

Chapter 2

It was late in the evening after Aurora's visit to the Mendle family home. Ms Mendle was pacing back and fourth in front of the hearth with her arms folded waiting for husband to get home.

Mable walked in the door with tears rolling down her face. "Momma," she said , " I was just talking to Ms Bear and she... " Mable trailed off when she notice the worried expression on her mothers face. Ms Mendle stared at her daughter with a look of concern. She knew that Orcus and Mable where in love. You could see it in their eyes when they looked at one another. She knew what a toll this was taking on her daughter. She also knew what was at stake. Her daughters saftey.

"Mable Ann, I know. Aurora came and spoke with me today. I was waiting on your father to get home and we were going to speak with the cheif and Maria personally. I know the feelings you share with Orcus, and i know that your saftey is at stake. But, Mable your father and i took this on upon ourselvers when we took you in as our daughter. Fear not, i have this under control do you understand?"

"Yes, momma. i uderstand." Mable said with sadness in her tone.

"Good, now go to your room and clean yourself up . We have people to impress." Ms Mandle said hopefully.

Mable went upstairs and proceeded to get ready for what was unknowingly the best worst day of her life.

Ms Mandle walked onto the front porch of their small cabin home. "There you are. Are you aware of what's going on. She know's and look at what she is doing you know she cant truely be with us if she chooses to go against it. Mable needs this marraiage. He's her love with them not together we cant do the ceramony and Mable wont survive what is to come."

"I know May. I agree, It has to be Aurora, she is the only one i know of that it could be dear. I think its time. We tell them in the morning, everything. Maria will understand and remeber to consult the councel. We will do it. It has already been decided."John said "should we leave. or possibly just go back home, to our own century." May said " John, they weren't certain of what happened if this occurred, we still have a chance up until that ceramony happens.

" I would rather watch our children grow old and whither away before I let them go when their future is unknow. " said John as her walked off toward the barn and pulled Lac , his horse right behind him.

"I hope you're right."May said quietly as she ran into the house to grab the two things she would need the most, her mothers grimorar and her children. She knew the fued that would errupt next would send all the deminsions into a full out war.

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