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Will you take my life?,
Will you bleed me out and hang me out to dry?,
Will you take my soul in the midnight rain?,
Will you tear me apart? while im going insane..

This song?, it breathes me. It asks things i wouldnt dare ask, in fear of pain.

I am Pearl, Pearl Stone to be exact. I Am probably the spliting image of a suicidal maniac, not that im crazy. I just look the part. I constantly have bags under my eyes, darker than a shade of black. I have scars up my arms and thigh, probably more than grains of sand there's on a beach. I have bruises all over, shades of purple and green and occasionally yellow, if that even technically possible. Not to meantion I have an abusive Mother, she doesnt even deserve the title of 'Mother'.

She'll Call me things no human should be called.

'The cum shot i should have swallowed'

She should of swallowed that cum shot, At least then i would have to bare this weight i carry everywhere. The fact i dont even know my Father is disgraceful. Probably even my 'Mother' doesnt know my father. I mean, if im going to be completely honest here, shes probably fucked more men than there are men on earth.

Nothing in my life is 'good' or 'happy' except maybe, Garnet White. The only person being to show me kindness in my school. Its not even really a 'school' more like 'the full prison experience, without being arrested'. I mean, the canteen?, cant remember the last time they served something that even resembled food. The teachers? They're most likely, homeless people they hired. The classroom? Literally 20 desks, chairs and a teacher. Not a white board, or even a chalkboard.

Now with Garnet, shes the alpha, the leader. You fuck with her and you fuck with half the school. Luckly thats only if you get on her bad side. Usually shes calm and mysterious. Unlike the animals she calls friends. Like Jasper, who is man in a ladies body. But Garnet, she is no animal, shes kind towards most.

Her and i share glances in the hallways sometimes, which makes me as red as a tomato. Even just a look from her, puts me in a better mood. Shes the reason i dont skip school, because she's there, even if you dont see her, you cant feel her presence.

A/N i saw the word count (418) and was really hoping to make a long chapter, but its 3am and i cant be fucked to put effort in.

Drown Yourself (pearlnet fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن