Chapter 1

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A bolt of lightning rips across the sky followed by a ghastly roar of thunder. I swing my legs off the side of the bed and slowly make my way over to the window. I pull the curtain back as I rest a knee on the windowsill, staring in awe as the sky is lit up with another jagged streak of purple light.

It astounds me how something so beautiful can be so destructive. But that's what everything is, isn't it? A good and bad side to all things, all beings. In the grand scheme of things, surely the good outweighs the bad? It has to.

A musical tone floats into my ears and I turn back to the bed and grab my cellphone. I smile when I see the caller's name and swipe across the screen before putting it to my ear.

"What are you wearing?" The words are rushed as if Harley was anticipating the indication that I'd finally picked up the phone when I barely let it ring twice.

My face contorts. "Is this what our friendship has come to?"

I hear her let out an exasperated breath. "I'm serious... I have the perfect way to end our summer."

My eyebrows rise expectantly.

"Party. Downtown. Starting in about an hour. If we meet up right now and bus it, we can get there just after eight!"

I pace back and forth along the hardwood floor, sneaking glances out the window. "Is this a quiet, cookies and tea kind of party?" I ask in a hopeful tone despite already knowing the answer.

"Layla." Harley knows that I know the answer.

I flatten my lips into a tight line. "So, what are you telling your parents?"

"Simple. They think I'm sleeping over at your house tonight and going to school with you in the morning. And you can tell your parents that you're staying here."

I pull my long brown hair over my shoulder and sit on the windowsill as the night sky is lit up with another lightning strike. The storm still seems to be in its beginning stage; thunder and lightning gently brewing in capacity before the rain hammers down.

"And if you just found out about this party, I assume word about it has gotten around enough for you to be concerned about your police officer father finding out about it?" My mouth starts to curve into a lop-sided smile.

"My police officer father is off duty tonight and will likely be catching an early night's sleep with my mother," she quickly sweeps that issue under the rug. "All signs point to Layla and Harley must attend this party and end the summer with a bang. A humongous bang. The biggest bang we've ever—"

"Okay, I'm getting a disturbing mental image," I say.

She chuckles. "Your dirty mind, not mine."

I purse my lips, momentarily wanting to point out that any corruption done to my mind is of her doing. "I'll cover for you if your parents call, but I can't go to that party. My parents are gone out for a date night and I told them I'd be going out to get some groceries."

"Grocery shopping? At this time of the night? In a thunderstorm?!"

I roll my eyes, smiling faintly. "It's only a bit of lightning and some thunder. If I hurry I can maybe make it before the rain starts. Besides, I'm only going to Bobby's, a five-minute walk, ten at the most."

Harley sighs. "Just be careful, okay?"

I exhale a breathy laugh. "I'm not the one going to some party where there'll be drinking, smoking, probably drugs, and God knows what else."

"True," Harley says with a laugh. "I'll meet you at your house after the party?"

"Sure." I pause before saying softly, "Be careful. A lot of stuff can happen at parties."

"Babe, I'll be fine. I know that brain of yours likes to worry but I assure you, I am one person you do not need to worry about."

I frown, exhaling through my nose.

"I better get going. I'll see you later tonight, Layla." I can hear the smile in her voice, her anticipation for the party more evident now.

I say my goodbye before ending the call. With one last admiring look out of the window as the sky lights up again, I hop off the window sill and grab my purse, sliding my phone into it along with my wallet and house key.

I feel excitement rising in my chest. Seeing a thunderstorm through your window is nothing compared to being outside in one. It's like seeing a movie in a theatre as opposed to watching it on the television, but so much better; albeit, dangerous but I make sure not to put myself completely in harm's way.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home, Layla?" Bobby asks from behind the counter. I feel his gaze following me as I walk around his small store while browsing and picking up items needed for home. "I know you don't live far but being out at night and in a thunderstorm no less, it's not safe."

I turn to look at him over my shoulder and smile. Considering my grandparents on both my mother and father's sides passed away before I was born, Bobby has very much become a loving, protective grandfather figure in my life. He's been a close friend of the family for as long as I can remember. His warm smile and calm, optimistic personality never fail to make me feel safe in his presence.

"Thanks for the offer, Bobby, I appreciate it. But I'll be fine." I turn back to the shelf and pick up a carton of eggs and some fruits and carefully place them into my basket with the other things I've picked up. I make my way over to the counter and grimace as I struggle to lift the basket up onto it.

I notice Bobby's face contort into an expression of sympathy as he starts to ring the items through. "Layla, are you sure you don't want a ride home?" He says. "I mean no disrespect, but... you're quite tiny. Will you be alright with all of this? In this weather?" He lets out a small chuckle.

I smile and nod my head, my dark hair falling around my face. "One should not be underestimated by their size," I say before bowing my head and taking a glance at my toes through my wedge sandals. "But I know I need to be careful," I look back up. "I'm not a danger seeker, Bobby. Quite the opposite, actually."

"Oh I'm well aware of that, my dear." Bobby finishes fitting my items into two bags and hands them to me as I hand him the money. He holds up a hand and I frown in confusion.

"On the house," he says.

My eyebrows furrow as I purse my lips. "Bobby."

"Go, go. It's started to rain a bit and you need to get home before it gets any worse." He waves me off and I reluctantly put my money back into my purse before slipping it over my shoulder. I take my bags off the counter, one in each hand and say a friendly goodbye to him as I head out the door.

The storm has definitely started to intensify. The rain now falling as a steady mist, the sky lighting up more frequently, and louder rumbles of thunder are apparent. Raindrops gently land on my skin, sliding down from gravity and my hurried pace. The sensation chills my shoulders. I probably should have worn a sweater with a hood over my dress, but I can't bring myself to care.

I glance up at the blackened sky just as a purple streak of light rips through it again. Electrified. That's how I feel, as strange and indescribable as it is.

The thunder erupts and that's when a pair of big arms ensnares me causing my bags to slip from my hands.

Manic - Chaotic Souls Book 1 [RE-WRITING BEGINNING CHAPTERS/UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora