Chapter 12

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Alec cleared his throat.

"You and Jace go up to the 4th floor. Iz and I will be the distraction.".

"I'll fill you in on everything.", Jace said, as we moved towards the building again. Alec and Iz went to the left, while Jace and I turned to the elevator. All of a sudden Jace pulled me aside and behind a corner. I watched as Alaric left the elevator.

"Hate that guy.", Jace let out, as we entered the sliding doors.

"He's on our side.", I chuckled, as Jace pressed the button for the 4th floor.

"He kidnapped you.", he just said, his voice serious.

"Fair point.", I looked around. "So what now?".

"Take your jacket off.", he said, and I frowned, but did as he said. He had gotten out his stele, and stood behind me. Wordlessly, he started drawing on my skin, the burn intensifying. His breath was hot on my neck, making my hairs stand up. I hissed slightly at the pain, but it was over within a few seconds.

"I could've done that myself, you know.", I chuckled.

"Now where's the fun in that?".

I rolled my eyes, looking at the rune. "What does it mean?".


"Well, I think you messed something up.", I looked around. Everything looked the same.

"Yeah?", he chuckled. "No I didn't.".

Just then, the elevator came to a halt, the lights turning off.

"See?", he asked, and I looked at him. He was glowing slightly in the dark.

"Whoa.", I was stunned.

"Right?", he looked at me for a few seconds, a small smile finding itself on his lips.

"Let's go.", he pulled the sliding doors apart, revealing an empty black corridor. "Come on.".

I followed him out, and we walked to the door on the end of the hallway. "The back-up generators still have the magnets running.", he muttered, and I got out the magnet card, swiping it over the contact. The door unlocked, and we slipped in.

"Oh, shit.", I let out at the mass of shelves in the room. Paper boxes and folders filled every wall and shelf in here.

"It's sorted after date. Jocelyn's death was in May, 20 years ago. We better get going.", he commented, and I nodded.

It took us five minutes to find her things, but there was so much of it.

"What are we even looking for?", I asked, heaving out a cardboard box.

"I'm hoping you'll know it when you see it.", he answered, going through some folders.

"No pressure, huh.", I sighed.

We looked around for a few minutes, in silence.

There was a lot of little things, but I really couldn't tell what was of importance.

"So, you and that guy-", Jace started.


"Yeah, whatever. The mundie. What's going on with you and him anyway?".

I chuckled. "Why would you want to know?".

"I'm interested.", he answered. I was surprised by his answer, expecting some snarky comment.

"It's complicated. We had something really special, some time ago. And I don't know whose fault it was that drew him to it, but he threw it away.", I explained, rummaging through a box of photographs. "Love is supposed to be like a bike ride. When you fall off, you should work on getting back up.", I sighed. "All the scrapes and cuts don't mean anything when you're sitting on that bike again. Or at least that's what it's supposed to be like.".

In the Shadows (Shadowhunters, Jace Wayland)Where stories live. Discover now