Chapter 18: Hellfire

Start from the beginning

"MS. CARRIE!" Emma wailed after me.

The intense heat hit me like a wall made of hot coals.

The fire roared and raged like the worst days in Hell. Pieces of the building were falling all around, breaking and cracking against the broken floors, scattering bits of jagged and sharp building fragments along the shattered tile. My lungs were already caked in smoke, cooking and scorching my heart and lungs like a deep fryer.

My eyes began to water as the smoke compromised my vision. I couldn't see more than a foot or so in front of me. The pain was excruciating.

"Robin!" I coughed. "P-Patrick! Where...*cough cough*...where are you?"



I watched in horror as she sprinted into that fiery inferno, fighting her way through the biggest of the flames, and I couldn't stop her.  Emma was buried against my chest. She was hiccuping and heaving heavily, trembling with pure fear.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and quickly answered it, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Dude, Jordan!" said Mark's voice. "Turn on the news! The hospital fucking exploded! You won't believe what I'm seeing right now!"

"No, Mark!" I shouted back. "You don't understand! I'm outside the hospital right now!"

"You're WHAT?!"

"Robin and Patrick are trapped inside! I've got Emma but...but Carrie ran in! She's trying to save them! You guys have got to get down here now!"

Mark had gone silent for a few seconds, his shock seeping through the phone. I heard what sounded like faint talking next, so I assumed Mark was relaying the news to Ruby.

Three, two, one...


The line suddenly went dead, and I knew they were on their way.

I looked down at the crying Emma in my arms and held her tighter, her ear just inches from my lips.

"It's gonna be okay," I whispered to her softly. "Carrie is strong and brave, and she's gonna save your family."

Emma sniffed and wiped one of her eyes.

"You think so?" she asked, her voice sounding scratchy and hoarse.

I looked up at the hellfire horror house with a sudden sinking feeling in my heart. "I hope so. I hope so..."



Flames engulfed curtains and bedsheets, smoke clouded the crystal-clear windows, the horrifying smell of burning corpses lingered in what was left of the air.

I dove out of the way to dodge a falling piece of the building and tripped over a steal pipe, landing on a pile of broken glass. I screamed as the sharp tips ripped their way through my flesh, tearing at my skin and painting the floor crimson with my blood. My screams were cut off by the painful coughs building up in my chest.

"R-Robin!" I shouted wearily. "Pat...Patrick!"

I immediately thought this was it, that this was the end. The darkness of the smoke was closing in on my watery eyes and my heart was being crushed by the agonizing pain of the smoke filing my lungs. The hose was slowly slipping from my hand.

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