chapter seven

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Delilah's POV

to Harbear: where are you? aren't you picking me up for the party at 7:15? (7:07 pm)

Harbear: Yes love calm down I'll be there in 5. (7:09 pm)

to Harbear: alrighttt i'll see you soon.. (7:09 pm)

Harry and Ryker are going to a house party together tonight and I asked to tag along. Harry is completely oblivious to what is going on between me and Ryker. I'm glad, but it's also quite funny. I stand outside in front of my garage and wait for them to come pick me up in Harry's black 2008 model of an okay looking car. The sun is starting to set but it's still warm and the smell of summer wafts through the air-a mix of bonfire, barbeque, and freedom. Harry's car turns the corner and I start walking towards it. He pulls up to me and honks, even though I obivously see him. I roll my eyes and open the car door. 

"Hey, love. How are you?" Harry asks sweetly, turning over his shoulder to look at me. 

"Good, thanks a ton for bringing me home."

"No problem." He turns to face the road again and eases down on the gas.

Ryker chimes in. "So, Delilah, what's up? Haven't seen you in a while." Sarcastic bastard, he was at my house until 6:30. 

"Not much. Going to a party with two proper dicks, the usual."


"So, meet up here by midnight?" Harry suggests. Ryker and I look at each other and nod.

"Yeah, that works," I agree. Harry smiles and pulls down his beanie a little so it fits snugly on his head.

"I'm going to go find Sam and see how he is." Harry is set on finding his friend and he turns around to scan the living room. There were at least 30 kids here already, dancing and drinking. "Killer party!" he yells, finding Sam in the crowd. I roll my eyes and turn to Ryker.

"Meet me here in ten, yeah? I'm going to look around, and Harry won't be so suspicious," I ask. Ryker nods and smiles. 

"Always one step ahead of me." He steps closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist. "Ten minutes," he echoes and kisses the top of my head before disappearing into the kitchen. I decide to wander around and just take everything in. I see people making out-scratch that, having sex-on the lawn. 

"Watch out for the bugs, they might get somewhere you don't want them," I yell to them I laugh at myself and walk back inside the house. It had only been eight minutes but I decided to go back to the doorway and wait for Ryker. It takes him a while, but he returns with a plastic blue cup filled with booze. He sloshes it around while trying to weave his way through people. He smiles at me and finds a place to set down the cup.

"Why don't we," he starts, slipping his arms around my waist, "find a nice room for ourselves." He dips his head down to nip at my neck and it sends shivers down my spine. I feel them in my toes. I push him away (I don't like PDA), but him being taller and stronger than me, he just locks his arm around my shoulder and pulls me up the stairs. We find an empty room after opening the door to a few occupied ones and enduring one very awkward situation. He immediately locks it behind us and pushes me down on the bed. Balancing his weight so he's on top of me but not squishing me, he leans down to press his lips to mine. After a minute, he takes control and slips his tongue in my mouth. It's cold and tastes sour, but I don't even mind because he slips an arm under my back and lifts me up slightly while we kiss. It ignites such a feeling in the pit of my stomach, especially when he starts grinding himself into me. 

"Do you like it rough, babe?" he asks. I only whimper in response as he slips my shirt over my head. He lowers himself so his lips are almost touching my ear. "You still owe me from earlier today, you know," he whispers and leaves a sloppy-kiss trail down to my chest. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he unclips my bra.

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