chapter four

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A/N: I have literally sooo many ideas for this story but absolutely no idea how to end it, so sorry if it seems so cluttered. 

I hope you're enjoying it, though. 

I'm going to do multiple POVs, so that you can understand the new characters fully bc otherwise it just won't make sense.

Keep being amazing, keep watching the trailer, and i love you :)

After we went to the diner, Harry brought me here, to the middle of some random field. At first I was confused as to what his plan was, but then he brought out a blanket and flattened it across the hood of his car. He walked around to my door, opened it for me, and held out a hand. I took it and he helped me climb on top of the vehicle. We sat there, and we're still sitting here, in silence, staring up at the sky. There's no lights out here and it makes it easy to pick out every consellation and star. 

"Delilah, what is it like?" Harry questions.

"What's what like?"

"Being alone." I turn to look at him.

"I'm not alone. I have you." He chuckles. "What's so funny?"

"You are alone. You shut everyone out. Even me."

"I don't shut everyone out," I defend myself. He's still laying flat on his back, hands folded underneath his curls, looking up at the stars. If you didn't know any better, it would look like we weren't having a conversation at all. I call him out on it. "You know, you could at least look at me if we're going to talk." He smiles and tilts his head.

"There." I swat his leg, earning a light laugh from him. He sits up and supports himself on his elbows. "Remember that one time we got high together?"

"What does that have anything to do with what we're talking about?"

"Shut up and listen," he commands. "If you remember that night, then you remember what you told me." I thought back on it and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about," I stutter. I've never been a good liar.

"Don't play stupid, Del. I know you better than that. Anyways since you 'don't remember'," he puts air quotes with his fingers around the last part, "let me refresh your mind." He gives me the biggest smile and I just want to slap it right off his face because it was so cute and yet so annoying at the same time. I roll my eyes and purse my lips.

"Fine." He sits completely up, crossing his legs and rubbing his hands together.

"So we sat there with that blunt, passing it around, right? And you were totally stoned, telling me everything you felt right then. You were feeling happy but sad, lonely but loved. You told me all you ever really want is to find a boy who will 'love you how you are, except, who would love a girl like you?' You are so convinced that you aren't worth anybody's time and efforts. Well guess what? I'm with you here, right now, at five in the morning in a field in the middle of nowhere. I could be doing anything else, but I'm with you."

"What are you trying to say Harry?"

"I'm trying to say that I know more about you than you think. I know your strengths and your weaknesses, and I just want you to know-"he reaches out and grabs one of my hands in his and lowers his voice "-I love you no matter what. I know that you need that; love. I know that you need somebody, Delilah. And I can be that somebody, until your somebody comes."

I love Harry too. He's been my savior for almost two years. How couldn't you love someone as cheeky and stupid as he? 

"Harry, I don't real-I don't know how to say anything back." He lets go of my hand wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his side. 

"You don't need to say anything," he says quietly, kissing my forehead and rubbing my back. "Just know that I'm here." We sit like that in silence for a while before he pipes up again. "Are you ready to let me in yet, Delilah?" I nod against his chest. "So from now on, you tell me everything, okay? I'll be like the brother you never had." I can't see his face, but I can tell by his tone of voice that he's smiling.

"Okay, Harry." He holds a hand in front of my face.

"Pinkie promise me," he demands. I giggle at his childish request and wrap my pinkie around his. "Everything, okay?" Everything? Why did he always have to make everything so complicated?

"Yeah, promise." He lets go of my pinkie and lets his hand slip down to the small of my back.

When's a good time to tell him I fucked Ryker then?

Ryker's POV

"Shit Dom, what do you need?" It was five in the morning and my sister was calling me. 

"Ryker, hey uh can you maybe come unlock the door? Lemme in," she whispers. I groan and run a hand through my hair. 

"Where the hell have you been? You said four tops, it's almost five thirty." 

"I knew you were at that girl's house, I didn't think you'd be home until now anyways," she hisses. I guess that's a good point. 

"Fine, but we're not doing this tomorrow," I grouse. 

"Thank you thank you," she breathes, hanging up the phone. I sit up on the foot of my bed, rubbing my face and patting my hair down. I pull on some sweatpants and quietly open my door. I slip down the hallway and unlock the front door. I open it and step out, looking for Domi. 

"Dom," I call out softly. "Come in." I hear rustling and look to my left. She'd been hidden in the bushes by our front steps. She brushes herself off and looks up at me, grinning. 

"Thanks," she whispers. She walks up the stairs and through the door. I follow her to her room.

"You've got to stop doing this," I inform her. 

"But it's fun," she whines, motioning me in. She closes the door behind me.

"You're 14, Dom, you shouldn't be doing drugs and sleeping around."

"You do it," she retorts. I guess she got me there. I sit down on her foot rest. 

"Yeah, but you're my little sister," I defend, weakly at that.

"And you're my older brother. You're supposed to be a role model, correct?" I look down at my lap. "Hmm, look who's got nothing to say for once?" 

"Stop it, Dom, or I won't let you in the house anymore," I threaten. I look up to see her staring into her vanity mirror, wiping her excessive makeup off her face. 

"You're gonna let me freeze outside? You want me to get sent away when mum or dad catches me?" I make eye contact with her through the mirror. She turns to look directly at me. "Look, Ryke. I'm sorry. It's just so much fun. You understand, don't you?"

"Sometimes I wish I didn't," I mumble. She climbs into her bed and I watch her cover herself up and kick off her socks. 

"Ryker, why can't you just find a girlfriend and be happy?"

"I wish it was that easy, Dominique."

"Why isn't it? All you gotta do is make her want you." 

"But I don't know how to do that." She scoffs and pulls her covers up to her chin, readjusting herself to a more comfortable position.

"Sure you do. How many girls have you slept with?" I stand up and make my way to the door, wanting for this conversation to end.

"A lot," I answer.

"In the last two weeks?"

"A lot."

"See, there you go." I stand in her doorframe, one hand on her doorknob and the other on the wall. 

"But that want is different than the want you're talking about. I can't just make a girl want to love me." I back out of the door and start to close it.

"No, you can't. But you can try." 

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