The New Guy

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You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust them to the light hitting your face. As the images become clear, you see Bruno's cheeky grin staring at you from a 3-inch distance.

You smile and push his face back, stretching your arms and yawning loudly. Rubbing your eyes, you shift around in the bed, trying to make yourself comfortable.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," Bruno greets.
"Good morning," You mumble lazily, the side of your head flat on the pillow.

"Do you know what day it is?" He asks, sounding enthusiastic.

Bruno gets up from the bed, walking over to the calendar and circling today's date.
"It's party day!" He screeches.

"Uhhh no," You groan, begging him to stop yelling.

That was the one day each month that Bruno threw a party to celebrate who knows what. It's sounds kinda lame, which it is, but it's the one time you and Bruno can bond with friends.

The only part you didn't enjoy would have to be all the planning, not to mention the fact that Bruno is always freaking out.

"We have to get up NOW," He exclaims, pulling the blankets off you.
"Why?!" You ask, irritated and cold.

"What do you mean why? We have to keep up with the schedule! We already have all the meats for the barbecue, so all we need to buy now is-"
You close your eyes, ignoring every other word that came out of Bruno's mouth.

It was already 11am, but Bruno was incredibly horny last night, so he didn't let you sleep until 2. Still, that's nine hours of sleep, but even that is too little for you.

"Are you listening, (Y/N)?" Bruno suddenly screams.
"Huh?" You mumble, opening your eyes. "Of course I am!"

He grabs a pillow and throws it at your face. "Get your ass up! You only have 30 minutes to get ready."

"Don't you mean we?" You ask, sitting up.
"I'm already," He says.
You stare at his figure, admiring his sense of style. His hair was hidden with a hat of his, but the bottom of his curls were still noticeable.

"You look good," You compliment.
"I know, get up. You don't have much time," He demands.
"I'd much rather sit here and watch you," You tease, placing your hands under your chin and fluttering your eyes while you admire his beauty.

Bruno poses immediately, showing you the side of his face while he stand like superman.
You whistle as he continues, dancing like a maniac. Laughter then fills the room, from both you and Bruno.

But suddenly he stops, glaring at you.
"Don't distract me! Come on, (Y/N), you need to get ready."
"Don't you think we can do something else?" You flirt, raising up your silky pajama shorts higher.

"Babe!" He whines. "Just get ready!"
You roll your eyes.
"Fine. But only because I want to! Not because you told me to," You lie.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Bruno chuckles, grabbing his phone from his pocket and typing slowly.

You enter the bathroom, grabbing your toothpaste and toothbrush, and then into the shower. After about fifteen minutes of warm water on your skin, you exit, wrapping the towel around your wet body and then to your closet.

Bruno was no longer in the room, so you remain there and take your towel off, looking for clothes to wear. After your body is dry, you put on a simple outfit: jeans with a blank tank top and booties.

You decided to let your hair dry naturally, so you head downstairs after you change and call out for Bruno.
"Babe?" You yell, entering the kitchen.

"You ready?" He asks, coming from the backyard.
Bruno looks you up and down and smirks.

"I like your makeup," He says, catching you offguard.
"I'm not wearing makeup," You say cautiously.
"Then I must be dating an angel," He says dramatically, grabbing your hand and kissing it sloppily.

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